The Portrait: Raphaël Quenard, right in my boots – Seven to eight

The Portrait: Raphaël Quenard, right in my boots – Seven to eight
The Portrait: Raphaël Quenard, right in my boots – Seven to eight

Almost unknown a year ago, he is the new darling of French cinema. Raphaël Quenard has just returned from Cannes where he climbed the steps and opened the festival with the latest film by Quentin Dupieux, one of the many directors who fell for this strangeness, this singularity, which earned him his irresistible rise . Even the director of the film “Chien d’ la casa”, for which he was crowned male breakthrough at the last César, advised him to go see a speech therapist. He did not advise him, he exhorted him with particular insistence. He left him vocals that said “Raph, the role and everything, that’s fine, the character traits of the character, but I have a little problem with your way of speaking and the accent”, so much so that ‘at the end, he integrated into the scenario that he came from and that he arrived there late to mark the shift. We are also not going to systematically say in the films that he comes from Grenoble because that risks being limiting in terms of the role available. He comes from Gieres, in the Grenoble suburbs where his family comes from, to which he is very attached, a balanced, close-knit family where there is a very strong bond that unites them. His mother works in insurance, his father a construction engineer, he was raised between the righteousness of his father and the malice of his mother. At school, he was a troublemaker. He was a good student, but afterward, he had a little taste for gadriole, so that earned him a few dismissals. This video extract comes from the replay of Sept à Huit, a weekly news and reports program broadcast on TF1 and presented by Harry Roselmack. 7 à 8 offers 3 to 4 reports on current news: politics, news, society or even international events.



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