The writer Paul Arquier-Parayre at the Saint-Nazaire media library

The writer Paul Arquier-Parayre at the Saint-Nazaire media library
The writer Paul Arquier-Parayre at the Saint-Nazaire media library

The writer Paul Arquier-Parayre will be present at the Henri-Tanyères media library on Wednesday June 5 to 19h.

Paul Arquier-Parayre was born in Perpignan and currently works as an advisor in a local youth mission in the department. His first novel Return to Tautavel, published in 2003, was awarded the special mention of the Méditerranée Roussillon prize by the Mediterranean Center of Literature (CML).

In 2005, he completed his trilogy with Calixte Mission And Rome’s Revenge. In 2010, he released Catalachnikov, followed in 2013, by the novel The thirteen exorcisms of Salomon Joch, an esoteric thriller. In 2016, he continued his work by publishing Karma who received the 2017 Méditerranée Roussillon prize. In 2018, he innovated in a parody of the 1980s Born to be John. In 2019, he released the 3rd esoteric opus Solomon the Immortal. In 2022, Crossing the kidney is an autobiographical novel in which he confides about his kidney pathology. He returns to his writing fundamentals in 2024 with an anticipation novel The extraordinary story of a guy who spent 33 days in a Leclerc tank.

It is on the occasion of the release of this new novel that Paul Arquier-Parayre will come to meet his readers. During this evening, he will offer an overview of his ten works with three themes: the history of the Catalans, told through his science fiction (SF) trilogy, the Vatican exorcist Salomon Joch, hero of three esoteric thrillers , and a polar, comedy and psychological thriller focus.



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