On World Teachers’ Day…a window on primary education – Al-Safir newspaper 24 Assafir

On World Teachers’ Day…a window on primary education – Al-Safir newspaper 24 Assafir
On World Teachers’ Day…a window on primary education – Al-Safir newspaper 24 Assafir

As-Safir 24 – Written by: Aziz Laouissi

On World Teachers’ Day, which falls on the fifth of October of each year, pens and lenses are often directed towards women and men in education, as long as it is related to their international holiday, which requires celebrating them and valuing their multifaceted roles in education, education, construction and development.

To the extent that teachers are celebrated on this International Day, a fragile group that is an integral part of the education and training family is marginalized, and this relates to the category of “primary education educators and nannies” who play a pivotal role in building the edifice of learning in its initial stage, which makes them True builders of education, and solid, indispensable levers in the process of building the child and embracing his/her abilities, talents and emotions in the early stages of life, before they are put on the path of basic education, in a way that makes them assume the role of the basic foundation, without which it is difficult to build, construct and rebuild, and these are roles A multi-faceted education that is not devoid of hardship and hardship, given not only the specificities of the target group of this initial education, but also in consideration of the injustice, injustice, marginalization, and lack of recognition that these struggling and patient workers are experiencing;

To clarify the vision, we point out that primary education educators and nannies belong to a ministry whose authority extends, in addition to national education and sports, to “primary education,” and at the same time they are not framed by any clear legal framework that proves their legal lineage to this ministry, and they revolve within the orbit of the labor law, without To benefit, on a realistic level, from the rights and guarantees provided by labor legislation, and to work during the period of social protection, without being affected by its sending winds, and to be covered by social security, but in many cases they are not declared, or they are declared according to what the ship of the operating party desires, and between this Moreover, this worker, who embraces a group of university graduates, lives in a state of loss at the level of identity and affiliation, which makes her practice their noble mission, without a clearly defined professional and employment horizon, which makes her feel the honor of the profession and the love of belonging to an elementary education, which working in is a noble service for the sake of the country and its children. Homeland;

In light of this professional and employment maze, the established fact remains that these workers live at the mercy of associations, many of which have no connection to education, except goodness and charity. Some of their leaders, in light of confused laws, have turned into employers, whose main concern is searching for what elementary education provides. Of profits, gains and benefits, at the expense of education and the future of the nation, in the absence, complacency or inaction of the administrative and educational control authorities, and this reality, opened the way for these people, to extend their hand over a sensitive educational sector and control its workers, sometimes through blackmail, other times through provocation, and thirdly through repression and the threat of arbitrary expulsion. And this helpless worker remains forced to endure this “unprofessional” and “humiliating” reality with its low wages and many troubles, under the pressure of coercion, to escape the specter of unemployment, because of the heads of associations – with the exception of course – in whom the goodness of the homeland and the conscience of education and morals died. And the values, by which nations rise and nations rise,

We are living in a time of reform of the education and training system, and in the context of implementing the requirements of a new basic system for employees of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports – the National Education Sector – it is inappropriate, from a legal and educational standpoint, for educators and nannies to remain living in a state of legal and professional limbo, without being included. A special statute, linking them to the ministry that is guardian of the sector, will achieve the goals of equity, professional advancement, motivation, and social and psychological stability, or at least subject them to the authority of a public institution or agency for primary education, freeing them from the clutches of primary education associations and their tampering, at a time when the state is betting on effective and effective education. To resolve the battle for comprehensive development take-off, and it is not right to leave a strategic sector (primary education) at the mercy of some selfish and irresponsible association leaders, who wreak havoc on it in vain and greed, in full view of those who bear exactly the responsibility for oversight, in the absence of monitoring, accountability and accounting mechanisms, which It would protect the workers from any possible tampering or abuse.

“Educators and nannies” in primary education play a pivotal and central role in the educational action in its early stages, and they deserve fairness, motivation, recognition and appreciation, just like the rest of the components of the education family. It is shameful, in the era of the development model, educational reform, social protection and social government as promoted, for them to work under The mercy of selfish employers, who are supposed to serve primary education and the citizen’s contribution to its advancement, to serve wide segments of the people, who have no support except the embrace of public education. In this regard, the educational unions, based on their responsibilities in defending the educational conditions of working people, The compass must be directed towards primary education workers and highlight the fragility, injustice and marginalization they experience, and defend, according to the available means of struggle, the demands of this group that suffers in silence, without being affected by the unprecedented gains achieved by national education employees. On the occasion of the new statute;

As for the Ministry, which is the guardian of the sector, for its part, it bears responsibility for the manifestations of fragility, exclusion, unfairness, and blockage of the primary education workers, and it is called upon, in a time of reform and modernization, to find innovative and creative solutions that would adjust the strings of this vital sector, in a way that brings it into the circle. Law and order, including empowering working people with a legal framework that protects rights and preserves dignity, with which the goals of justice, equality and equity are achieved, and the goals of professional, social and psychological stability, for struggling working people from among the people, who burn in silence and pain, to illuminate the path of hope and life, and what was said about educators. And nannies, this applies to different degrees to other workers who seem more fragile, miserable, and marginalized, without their voice being heard, and here we mean the “man and women supervisors” of the illiteracy eradication program in the mosques, who fight the darkness of illiteracy and ignorance, tirelessly, inside the mosques throughout the kingdom, and not in front of them. There is no choice but to accept the reality of work, the prominent and broad title of which is fragility.

Whether it is the primary education educators and educators, or the male and female administrators of the literacy program in mosques, they both share doses of fragility, despair, injustice, marginalization and exclusion, and they share an individual and collective sense of control over what is apparent and what is hidden, in the hope that the message will reach the educational decision makers, respectively, in education. National, and the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, in order to pay attention, remedy and treatment, and this is not difficult, for a worker who fights darkness and illuminates the path of hopes and dreams…



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