Moroccan University Solidarity sends a message to Moroccan teachers on their International Day.. These are its details || ANFASPRESS – Anfas Press, a Moroccan electronic newspaper – A Moroccan electronic newspaper, renewed around the clock – Morocco

Moroccan University Solidarity sends a message to Moroccan teachers on their International Day.. These are its details || ANFASPRESS – Anfas Press, a Moroccan electronic newspaper – A Moroccan electronic newspaper, renewed around the clock – Morocco
Moroccan University Solidarity sends a message to Moroccan teachers on their International Day.. These are its details || ANFASPRESS – Anfas Press, a Moroccan electronic newspaper – A Moroccan electronic newspaper, renewed around the clock – Morocco

The Moroccan University Solidarity Organization said that “the anniversary of World School Day for the 2024-2025 academic year is under the slogan: “There is no sustainable development without qualified teachers who motivate the performance of their educational mission,” as the anniversary comes in a context in which Morocco attaches importance to reforming the education and training system, and is aware of emerging educational developments. On the implementation of the system reform road map (2022-2026), which was prepared by the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports with the aim of establishing a new model for managing reform, focusing on the impact on the female learner and improving the quality of public schools.

It was stated in the university solidarity message, which reached:Anfas PressA copy of it says, “The anniversary comes after a previous academic season in which women and men in education were able to achieve gains in their demands, and there was consensus between the ministry and educational unions on the statute for employees of the Ministry of National Education after their struggles to improve their material and moral conditions.” The organization believes that responding to the demands of the educational staff, and improving their material, social and moral conditions, is a basic entry point for implementing the educational reform on which Morocco’s progress and development depend, because teachers constitute a fundamental lever for achieving sustainable development in the social, economic, cultural and environmental fields, and this requires qualifying teachers and raising their capabilities in a way. Continuous in accordance with the requirements of change and rapid cognitive, scientific and technical developments. And motivate them by providing the material, professional and moral conditions to perform their educational mission.”

She emphasized that “teachers are qualified to form citizens who are honest in performing their duties, keen to exercise their rights, imbued with common universal values, adherent to their rich identity, and to the principles of coexistence with others, and immune from the tendencies of fanaticism and extremism. Teachers play a vital role in the socialization of rising generations by empowering them.” From acquiring basic knowledge, skills, values, and competencies related to science, technology, digitalization, humanities, and social sciences, to make them citizens capable of integrating into their social environment and economic fabric, and to contribute effectively to the sustainable development of Morocco. Due to the nature of the school’s strategic missions for education, the Moroccan University Solidarity Organization sees the necessity of preserving the dignity of the school. Ensuring his security and safety, improving his legal status in society, and providing him with good working conditions that guarantee his dignity and encourage giving with the aim of winning the stakes of development and progress.

The Moroccan University Solidarity message went on to emphasize “the decisive role played by teachers in building rising generations to achieve the desired goals of the education and training system in building an advanced and democratic society, and to ensure the achievement of the desired development, the Moroccan University Solidarity Organization renews its full support for teachers, and expresses its gratitude.” For their dedication to the service of education and training.

The Authority also announced, according to the same message, its “permanent solidarity with them in the stations of defense of their legitimate demands and dignity. World School Day, and in remembrance of the organization’s principled positions to reform the education and training system, as it keeps pace with the educational reform process in our country, and is involved in it.”

The Commission’s message called for “finding solutions to the accumulated problems of some groups that were victims of the previous basic systems. It also calls for accelerating the production of the applied texts of the basic system, with the necessity of continuing the dialogue and strengthening the participatory methodology by completing the treatment of the demands file of the remaining affected groups in order to ensure the provision of a stable and motivating educational atmosphere for the Commission’s involvement.” Education in reforming the education and training system.

The Moroccan University Solidarity Organization sees, according to its message, “the necessity of continuing the preparation of the legislative and regulatory texts of Framework Law 17-51 related to the education and training system, which are necessary for its implementation as it is the first approved legislative text to reform the education and training system in accordance with the strategic vision for reform 2015-2030.” It also appreciates the project of leading public institutions implementing the road map, which aims to raise the quality of basic education for female and male learners, develop their competencies, enhance their openness by investing in modern pedagogical methods and approaches, and reduce school waste, but it records a weak rate of generalization to ensure equal opportunities and fairness.

The Commission’s message did not fail to “value the appointment of members of the Permanent Committee for the Renewal and Suitability of Educational Curricula and Programmes, which is an important link in the process of institutionalizing the reform of curricula and programs, and to accelerate work on renewing curricula and educational programs that have been outdated for a long time and need to be reviewed in accordance with educational developments and equality,” calling for the project to be circulated. Its comprehensiveness to primary, preparatory and rehabilitation secondary institutions:

The organization stressed “the quantitative accumulation achieved in the field of primary education in recent years after the launch of the national program for universalizing primary education and improving its quality in 2018, which is framed by a royal message that constitutes the road map for universalization and quality, thanks to the efforts made by the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, and community associations.” It also calls for the integration of primary education into primary education, as approved by the framework law, so that they together form the primary education corps. The deadlines for integration have exceeded the three years stipulated in the framework law, which calls for research into the most appropriate approaches in order to accelerate the tribal educational requirements for this integration. According to qualified and efficient educational frameworks based on training programs and sufficient periods for qualification and completion of training, the Moroccan University Solidarity Organization calls for community mobilization to reform the education and training system.

While she called on women and men in education to “engage in reform and achieve its goals, Morocco firmly adheres to good public education that guarantees equality and equal opportunities, and considers defending the public school to be everyone’s responsibility, as it is an investment that provides good and equal education and training for all, which makes us believe in the ability of the public school to fulfill its role.” Pioneering if it is reformed according to the strategic vision of reform to be a school of equity, quality, and individual and societal advancement.”

The Moroccan University Solidarity Organization, in accordance with its mission, as it commemorates World School Day, appreciates the efforts of the educational body with all its components in performing its noble educational mission, and calls on it to rally around their great organization, engage in it, and support it to continue performing its mission of solidarity. Defending the rights of the educational staff, protecting them from all forms of violence, and preserving their dignity.



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