Fever, cough, severe muscle pain and immense fatigue, for some, the start of 2025 is not quite as imagined. Microbes are agitating and developing everywhere in France.
The Centre-Val de Loire region is far from being spared since the number of affected patients is only increasing in health services. Last week, 530 people had to go to the emergency room compared to 320 the previous week, according to the latest report published by Santé Public France.
Same song within SOS Médecins Loiret, where we see a strong intake of appointments for people affected by the flu with 26 services compared to 5 the previous week.
Two deaths recorded
During the last week of December, the ARS Centre-Val de Loire recorded two deaths following an infection with the influenza virus. It is advisable to be extra vigilant regarding hygiene measures.
Frequent hand washing, ventilation of rooms, distance from vulnerable people, avoiding contact as much as possible with those who have been affected, Santé Publique France insists on the application of these barrier gestures. According to them, combined, they would form a shield against contamination.
Vaccination: “a strong dynamic for protecting the most vulnerable”
Santé Publique France continues with, “the importance of adopting good behavior in the event of a health problem”, faced with this situation. Mainly, by not overloading hospital services. It is advisable to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear.
Emphasis is also placed on their major vaccination campaign which began last October, “with the aim of initiating a strong dynamic to protect the most vulnerable”.
Bronchiolitis in children
Those under two years old also have their share of mishaps to start 2025. Bronchiolitis recently affected 196 children in the region.
Very contagious, it often begins with a simple cold, followed by difficulty breathing, accompanied by fever. The ARS indicates some hygiene measures to prevent viral illness. In particular, by washing your hands regularly. By avoiding taking your child to confined public places, such as shopping centers. By not sharing bottles, pacifiers and toys. By not smoking near babies and children. If the adult has a fever or a cold, it is advisable to cover their mouth when sneezing. Finally, wear a mask and avoid kissing the baby on the hands and feet.