▶ The website of museum of the old abbey of Landévennec is just to die for and the super dynamic team offers really nice and high quality activities for the whole family… An archaeological site which traces 1500 years of Breton history, a museum in which the remains revealed by the excavations are exhibited, as well as temporary exhibitions always at the top, and a medieval garden full of aromatic and medicinal plants, Free for children under 8 years old.
▶ The Rural School Museum in Brittany invites families on a great journey, from the time of small Breton farmers working on the benches of long wooden tables from the beginning of the century to the green classroom tables of the 70s. Free for children under 8 years old (+family package), the museum offers all year round workshops to learn how to write with a pen, to immerse yourself in a certificate dictation, or to do crafts… The kidi-reporters loved it!
▶ Between nature and heritage, the Monts d’Arrée Ecomuseum invites discovery. At the heart of a 12-hectare landscaped site, the village of Kerouatremarkably preserved, bears witness to the daily life of a dynasty of millers who spanned the centuries, the Fagots. From March to October are offered workshops very popular with families to learn how to make old-fashioned butter, pancakes, bread baked in a wood oven or even play games for children. Free for children under 8 years old.
▶ The Wolf Museum, at the Cloître St Thégonnec makes us discover an animal very different from the villain of the tales… We will learn to know the animal, its way of living, its biology, but also the way in which it is perceived through the imagination, tales and legends. Free for children under 7