“In an article recently published in the Journal “L’Observateur” (Delivery n°6365 of Thursday December 26, 2024), the Autonomous Union of Workers of IPRES (SATI) mentioned “…..the financial situation and the functioning of IPRES characterized by management at odds with transparency, massive recruitments carried out in recent weeks as well as fanciful appointments made for the benefit of parents and activists of the Chairman of the Board of Directors (Pca), Mamadou Racine SY”.
And the same Journal wondered if it was a race against time before the next renewal of the IPRES bodies?
It is constant to note that the SATI has always denounced the organized looting of IPRES for more than a decade and the trade unionists have always alerted to the bad practices of the Board of Directors led by Mamadou Racine SY (Investment projects mobilizing on a large scale the resources of the Institution, choice of inappropriate and catastrophic investments for the financial balance of the Institution, Opaque and nebulous investments with procurement ubiquitous….). These same practices are in place, with the same modus operandi, at the Social Security Fund (CSS), where the absence of PCA since the death of the late Mademba SOCK offers Mamadou Racine SY,.
Since the announcement by the New Authorities to proceed with the renewals of the IPRES and CSS bodies at the latest before the end of January 2025, Mamadou Racine SY has embarked on a vast charm operation. This is evidenced by recent communication campaigns praising the achievements and achievements under his leadership at IPRES. »
Collective for the Defense of Workers of Social Institutions in Senegal / Aar Sunu Keur