Ten years after Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher…

Ten years after Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher…
Ten years after Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher…
By Luc Bourrianne

It's been ten years but the memory is still vivid. Ten years after the attacks targeting the editorial staff of Charlie hebdo then the Hyper Cacher at the Porte de , we remember these images of blood, these recordings of Kalashnikov shots or jihadist clamors. We also go through wonderful writings that respond to terrorist barbarism.

We like to remember that the terrible January 7 (Charlie Hebdo) and January 9 (Hyper Cacher) was followed by a weekend of peaceful demonstrations throughout the country. was “Charlie”. The pencil had become a magnificent emblem of freedom of expression.

Alas, ten years later, we must also agree that we did not keep the promises of these Saturday January 10 and Sunday January 11, 2015. The freedom of expression that we had to defend in honor of Charb, Cabu or Wolinski has become an alibi exploited by the cultural obscurantism on which, for example, Didier Raoult and his chloroquine thrived during Covid.

As for the victims of Hyper Cacher, their memory has not prevented us from lowering our guard in the face of anti-Semitism. The tragic fates of Ilan Halimi, or the children of the Ozar Hatorah school decimated by Mohammed Merah, had already informed us of our inability to combat this scourge. Ten years after the Hyper Cacher attack, the figures for anti-Semitic acts in France have never been as alarming as in 2023 and 2024.

This is intolerable and a fantastic admission of failure.




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