With the presence of the wolf in Saint-Bauzille-de-Montmel, in the Grand Pic Saint-Loup, precedents resurface in La Grande-Motte and Fabrègues in 2023.
1013 wolves currently listed in France. In Hérault four are officially taken into account in the case of a “permanent presence”. They are located in Minervois, Somail, Caroux and Larzac, each time in areas bordering Aude, Tarn or Aveyron. “That of Saint-Bauzille-de-Montmel would be the fifth”underlines Luis de Souza, of DDTM34. Except that to be considered “permanent”, its presence must be proven two winters in a row.
A classification to compensate farmers
In January, the municipality should appear in a classification concerning compensation for professionals. Zones 1 concern very strong predation pressure, zone 2 corresponds to a regular presence of predation and zone 3, to passing predation. Saint-Bauzille could directly be classified as zone 2, and therefore farmers would be compensated for installing safety nets and acquiring a defense dog.
“He is already in the creeks, in Marseille”
Can the wolf still get closer to Montpellier? Nothing prevents it, according to Luis de Souza. “There is no major obstacle, except that he will have less to eat. And then, he is already in the creeks, in Marseille, so close to the city.”
Two wolves have been confirmed in recent years near the Hérault prefecture. In June 2023, it was in the Gardiole massif, in the town of Fabrègues. The animal was not seen but a sheep attack was confirmed. In January 2023, a wolf was found dead, hit by a car on the dual carriageway between La Grande-Motte and Montpellier, on the territory of the seaside resort.