All the players gathered around the table.
Credits: Town hall of Villemur-sur-Tarn
Last Friday, elected officials and municipal services met the DDT and the SCoT Nord Toulousain to discuss the overhaul of the city's PLU (Local Urban Planning Plan).This document (PLU) is the roadmap for the real estate, agricultural, etc. future of the municipality. It is he who comes to say which areas are buildable, which plots must remain forested… If a few years ago, local elected officials had great latitude to decide on this PLU and the zoning resulting from it, the reality is everything different today between legal obligations and regional and departmental constraints. Indeed, the law sets a “Zero Net Artificialization” (ZAN) objective for soils by 2050, which drastically reduces the scope of action of municipalities which can almost no longer define buildable zones. Added to this is the obligation to respect the plans imposed at the regional (SRADDET) and departmental (SCoT) levels. The overhaul of the Villemur PLU is underway, but will probably not be completed for a certain time, because a lot of work still remains to be done to allow the municipality, within the broad limits imposed, to determine its strategy for the future. of the city.
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