CHARTRES/ Handover to the Rotary Club of Chartres Deux-Vallées

CHARTRES/ Handover to the Rotary Club of Chartres Deux-Vallées
CHARTRES/ Handover to the Rotary Club of Chartres Deux-Vallées

Chartres. CHARTRES/ Handover at the Rotary Club of Chartres Deux-Vallées. CHARTRES/ Handover at the Rotary Club of Chartres Deux-Vallées

Gathered at the Auberge de Sandarville on Thursday evening, the members of the Rotary Club of Chartres Deux-Vallées and their guests welcomed their new president, Eric Quineau, who succeeds Jean-François Thomazeau at the head of the Chartrain service club. This is made concrete by the presentation of the Rotarian necklace from the old to the new president.

Jean-François Thomazeau, who chaired the club for a year, looked back at the actions undertaken and the causes supported: “we have our usual actions: the Chartres rides in vintage or luxury cars, the exhibition at the Saint-André collegiate church (the Rotarian of the arts), the Vêt-Espoir operation, a concert at the Fondation d’Aligre and others, these actions have raised around 30,000 euros and thus been able to help, among others: Aspic (therapeutic stay for sick children in Les Sables d’Olonne), Adapei 28 (maladjusted children), Bercail (mothers and children in difficulty), Mainvillois middle school students (for a school trip), Blouses Roses (who work with hospitalized children) and Sapins de l’Espoir (purchase of medical equipment for hospitals)” he recalled.

The new president, Eric Quineau, originally from Perche, he was born in Nocé, and settled in Chartres for forty-two years, with a career in accounting in the agricultural sector, notably at Fiteco in Chartres for fourteen years, “I joined the Rotary Club of Chartres Deux-Vallées in 2018 thanks to my friend François Delaperrière, I want my mandate to serve to make our club and our actions known to the general public, of course, we will renew all of the club’s usual actions but we will also organize, in partnership with the Chartres racing company, a race and activities at the racecourse and a concert, which is currently being studied,” he explained.



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