Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Périgueux (24000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Périgueux (24000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Périgueux (24000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – Which candidate will nominate left-wing voters in Périgueux?

The distribution of left-wing votes must also be taken into account during these legislative elections, with one unknown factor: the bias of those who voted for Nupes, which had made a breakthrough in the last legislative elections, but which no longer exists. The Popular Front, which does not yet have a leader, has a chance of gathering a share. During the first round of parliamentary elections two years ago, in Périgueux, the Nupes pair had in fact gathered 27.18% of the votes in the commune. A push to put into perspective with the 32% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the accumulation of Mélenchon-Roussel-Jadot-Hidalgo votes. In the European elections more recently, the Glucksmann list obtained 19.24% in Périgueux. Still, in the city, it will also be necessary to gauge the 8.56% of Manon Aubry (LFI), the 6.18% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 3.44% of Léon Deffontaine (PC). In other words, a total of 36% this time.

18:42 – How far can the National Rally go during the legislative elections in Périgueux?

What can we learn from the results of the latest elections at the polls? The RN should show 20% in Périgueux during the first round of these legislative elections if the trend predicted by the European elections of June 9 is reflected locally. The RN is even credited with 30 to 35% of the votes in France, fifteen points more than two years ago. A sum to also add to its result in the city this Sunday, June 30? The addition is a bit easy, but logical given the progression of the movement in these places. Between Bardella’s candidacy in 2019 and that of 2024, the RN has in fact already gained 7 points in the municipality.

15:31 – Bardella list at 24.29% in Périgueux at the beginning of the month

The results of these legislative elections could instead come closer to the balance established on June 9, when the European deputies were chosen. On June 9, in Périgueux, the National Rally list, with a certain Jordan Bardella as leader, beat the other lists, with 24.29% of the votes ahead of Raphaël Glucksmann at 19.24% and Valérie Hayer at 14 .65%. Which corresponds to 2273 ballots in the city.

14:32 – Emmanuel Macron beat Le Pen and Mélenchon in Périgueux in the first round of the last presidential election

The preference of the inhabitants of a municipality undoubtedly emerges most in the choice made during the supreme election. During the election for the presidency of the Republic, the scenario was gloomy for the RN and its candidate Marine Le Pen, with Emmanuel Macron in the lead thanks to 29.17% in the first round, ahead of Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 23, 56%. Marine Le Pen only managed to glean 16.65%. And Marine Le Pen was unable to regain the advantage in the second round with 34.71% against 65.29%.

12:32 – Pascale Martin (New Popular Ecological and Social Union) in the lead during the legislative elections two years ago in Périgueux

The RN got its feet wet in the commune of Périgueux in 2022, during the legislative elections, with 12.83% in the first round, against 27.18% for Pascale Martin (Nupes), Périgueux being part of the 1st constituency of the Dordogne. Périgueux will, however, turn to Philippe Chassaing (Ensemble!) in the second round, ultimately leading locally with 52.02%.

11:02 – The future of France is also taking shape in Périgueux

In the commune of Périgueux, do voters have an influence on the result of the legislative elections? The demographic pyramid can have an effect on political priorities in education and health. In the municipality, 34% of the population is aged 0 to 29, and 28.39% is 60 and over. The rate of households without a car (39.08%) highlights a lesser dependence on the automobile. This factor could affect the 9,341 voters on questions of mobility and infrastructure. Finally, indicators such as the number of single-parent families (26.54%) and the number of HLM residences (17.14% of housing) indicate the economic and social challenges that the municipality must face. The figures on education in Périgueux highlight notable disparities in terms of levels of education, with 18.69% of residents having obtained only the baccalaureate, for example. These figures, coupled with income data, raise questions about the effectiveness of education and employment policies across the country.

09:32 – Analysis of abstention in the previous elections in Périgueux

In Périgueux, one of the big unknowns of the 2024 legislative elections will inevitably be abstention. As a reminder, in the city, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections was 50.98% in the first round and only 49.87% in the second round. Can we predict the participation for the 2024 legislative elections in Périgueux? As a reminder, on a national scale, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections was 47.5% in the first round and only 46.2% in the second round, it was almost a record. In the first round of the last presidential election, the participation rate reached 75.31% of voters in the city. The participation was 71.44% in the second round, or 12,865 people.

08:02 – First round of legislative elections in Périgueux: polling station opening times

This June 30, it has only been three weeks since the voters of Périgueux voted in the European elections that resulted in the dissolution of the National Assembly. In 2022, during the previous legislative elections, 89 seats of deputies had been attributed to the RN in the Assembly, and 245 for Ensemble. The choice among the candidates of the different political alliances will be made in two rounds in Périgueux (24000), as in the whole country. The 21 polling stations of the commune of Périgueux will be accessible from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to welcome voters. You will find the results in Périgueux on this page from 8 p.m.



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