In Vienna, the New Popular Front wants to hold the dam

In Vienna, the New Popular Front wants to hold the dam
In Vienna, the New Popular Front wants to hold the dam

Fear does not avoid danger. The activists of the New Popular Front verified the scope of the expression on the evening of the first round of the legislative elections, Sunday June 30, 2024. Two rooms, one atmosphere. One atmosphere above all. Tense, serious. In the Europe Écologie Les Verts (EELV) local for Lisa Belluco (1re constituency) and in the bistro L’Envers du bocal, rue de la Regratterie for Valérie Soumaille (2e constituency), the left went through all the colors before the final results.

“We will enter into resistance”

The buffet was full and there was no alcohol at EELV. But some NFP candidates drank the cup: Yves Trousselle (4e constituency) and Gisèle Jean (3e constituency). Overwhelmed by the RN vote. “When we reach 70% participation with an RN that is still progressing, it is a real vote of supportsummarizes Jacques Arfeuillère, historical left-wing activist. The NFP is our only chance. If our faces are not too long tonight, it is thanks to this union. We are going to enter into resistance: the society that the RN promises is terrifying.

Have you ever drank rubbing alcohol to try it?

Around him, glass of beer in hand, the activists take this analysis as obvious. But still ” it stinks “sighs a young man. “I met a lot of disappointed people from the left during the door-to-doorworries Emilie. Some said they were going to vote RN “to try”. And I answered: have you ever drank 90° alcohol to try it? »

“What a load of crap!”sums up Stéphane, an EELV activist who is angry with Emmanuel Macron. “He was our debtor when we voted against the RN. » Promises only bind those who believe them. It’s 9:50 p.m. and despondency is giving way to anger for some. “In view of the disgusting results, we are organizing a demonstration in front of the prefecture”says a young man. Police cars are multiplying around Place Charles-VII. The police fear a counter-demonstration by the extreme right. Quentin, an LFI activist, grumbles: “The strategy of the dissidents has done harm. And the scarecrow of the extremists brandished by the Macronists too.” In the distance, an old slogan emerged from the boxes of the 20e century resonates: “Youth annoys the National Front.”

A week to convince

Early in the evening, Lisa Belluco had discovered with horror the extent of the RN vote. Valérie Soumaille’s stress was palpable. Ultimately, the two candidates are the only survivors of the NFP in Vienne. They must hold the dam for the left-wing citizens.

Lisa Belluco, who came in first, calls on the voters of Aurélien Tricot and Séverine Saint-Pé to support her momentum for “save this historically Republican constituency”. Valérie Soumaille, who came in second, continues the fight with a thorn in her side: “We are going to address the voters of Aurélien Bourdier who is calling for a vote for Sacha Houlié. We will see if they view favorably a dissident socialist who is calling for a vote for a Macronist…”

The tension is not about to subside.



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