Weather: why is it so grey at the beginning of July in the Hautes-Pyrénées?

Weather: why is it so grey at the beginning of July in the Hautes-Pyrénées?
Weather: why is it so grey at the beginning of July in the Hautes-Pyrénées?

Since the beginning of summer, the weather has been generally capricious, especially west of the Pyrenees. This beginning of July seems to be following the path of the second half of June, alternating between gray skies and hot days.

While the beginning of summer is generally synonymous with parties and leisure, it is not the weather that will change the minds of the French during this heavy election period. Indeed, since the beginning of summer, the weather has been very contrasting, alternating between hot stormy days and spring grayness. The Hautes-Pyrénées are no exception.

Whose fault is it? “A situation of anticyclonic edge, which means that we are close to an anticyclone located on the near Atlantic, but that it is not managing to protect us effectively”, indicates La Chaîne Météo in its bulletin published on July 1.

Anticyclonic edge situation.
© The Weather Channel

In short, an anticyclone has settled over the Atlantic Ocean, but it is not close enough to “protect” us from the cold air arriving from the north. The rotation of the anticyclone sends these clouds directly over France. “Under the clearings, between the cloudy passages, the feeling is pleasant, because the sun quickly manages to warm the atmosphere. On the other hand, under the gray sky, exposed to the northwest wind, the feeling is very cool…”, indicate the meteorologists. The grayness should dominate in the coming days.

Overall, the situation is expected to last until July 10, blowing hot and cold, before, according to forecasts, a depression settles over the Iberian Peninsula. “The latter will bring warm air up to the southern and eastern part of France,” indicates La Chaîne Météo. In the southern part of the country, temperatures are expected to fluctuate between 27 and up to 35 degrees. However, it is difficult to estimate precisely how long this depression will be active.



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