2024 Legislative Elections: The Challenges of the First Round in Aveyron, Where Incumbents Are Being Shaken by the Rise of the RN

2024 Legislative Elections: The Challenges of the First Round in Aveyron, Where Incumbents Are Being Shaken by the Rise of the RN
2024 Legislative Elections: The Challenges of the First Round in Aveyron, Where Incumbents Are Being Shaken by the Rise of the RN

Among the fifteen candidates running in the three constituencies, those labeled RN and New Popular Front risk undermining the two outgoing deputies of the presidential majority. Analysis.

1 Difficulties to be expected for those leaving

None of the three deputies elected in 2022 in Aveyron (Jean-François Rousset and Stéphane Mazars for Renaissance, Laurent Alexandre for LFI-Nupes) leaves calmly. On the third constituency first, that of South Aveyron encompassing Millau and Saint-Affrique, Jean-François Rousset is banking on his local roots facing two main challengers (RN and Nouveau Front Populaire) whom he readily describes as “parachuted. I know all the stones, the farmers, the businesses…” A local anchor that the other two leavers also claim.

Starting with Stéphane Mazars in the first constituency. With the desire to “block both extremes. I can’t give up, it’s my constituency and I don’t feel like I’ve done anything wrong” declared Stéphane Mazars on the evening of the announcement of the dissolution. Finally, for Laurent Alexandre, the rebel now in the colours of the New Popular Front, proximity also remains the key word. “This proximity is my trademark.”

2 The RN, electoral scarecrow?

The National Rally’s surge was strong in Aveyron on the evening of the European elections on June 9: Jordan Bardella came out on top in the main cities of the three constituencies: Rodez (22.31%), Millau (28.37%) and Saint-Affrique (25.59%). Enough to give momentum to the three candidates invested. Even if the profile of the one in the third constituency – Pierre-Antoine Fevre, a pharmaceutical executive living in Geneva – has everything to do with a parachute of pure political opportunity. In the second, we find Marie-Christine Parolin, regional councilor of Haute-Garonne but former elected to the municipal elections in La Cavalerie.

Finally, on the first of Aveyron, it is the departmental president of the RN, Jean-Philippe Chartier, who takes up the gauntlet of the extreme right. This neurologist from Ruthénois recently took over the departmental presidency of the RN. Even less known than the outgoing deputy Renaissance Stéphane Mazars and his opponent from the New Popular Front, Léon Thébault, Jean-Philippe Chartier already sees himself there. “I have the same course as Olivier Véran and I will do better than him.”

3 The New Popular Front hopes

Of the united battle of the left in 2022, only Laurent Alexandre, outgoing LFI deputy in the second constituency and this time invested by the New Popular Front, can testify to the effect of an electoral alliance. On the third, Richard Bouigue has some assets (experience as a Parisian elected official, knowledge of the PS and Aveyron origins) but remains accused of “parachute” by the outgoing Renaissance MP Jean-François Rousset.

The young and dynamic environmentalist Léon Thébault, in the first constituency, is holding on tightly to his score obtained in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections (21.55%). But that was before the electoral explosion of the National Rally.



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