They were revealed by two TV talent shows: but what has become of Julien and Mathieu Canaby from Toulon?

They were revealed by two TV talent shows: but what has become of Julien and Mathieu Canaby from Toulon?
They were revealed by two TV talent shows: but what has become of Julien and Mathieu Canaby from Toulon?

We know you for your participation in The New Star and to the Star Academywhat did it bring you?

Mathieu: From a personal point of view, it allowed me to meet my friend Carla de Coignac (finalists of The New Star 2017, Editor’s note), with whom I write and compose. And, on a professional level, it opened a lot of doors for me. It was a wonderful experience that confirmed to me that I was made for this.

Julien: For me, it was especially beneficial on a human level.

People gave me a lot of love, time and money too. It was beautiful. But professionally speaking… not much. I didn’t fit into the right box. And I didn’t feel ready to be exposed on TV and on the networks.

Today, are social networks essential for an artist?

Mathieu: They occupy a fundamental place in my life as an artist. The times have changed, labels no longer have the same interest as before. It’s more viral now. So I’m working on having a stronger fan base.

Julien: The networks and me, that’s two! I have 80,000 fans on Instagram but I struggle to manage the networks and play a role behind the cameras.

What is your best memory of these adventures?

Mathieu: Adrenaline! For me, it’s a unique feeling. I don’t have any stress or stage fright, so I don’t lose my composure on stage.

Julien: The same. I need to please people… Honestly, it was monstrous to sing in front of the public.

Have you always lived in the area?

Mathieu: I was born in Toulon in 1998, to a father and mother who were musicians. So, of course, I fell into music when I was little… A very happy life until school gave me the key. I was too nonconformist for the school system. I got kicked out of three middle schools for insolence and I didn’t even pass my brevet. I only wanted to do music.

Julien: I still went as far as 1re (laughs)Too bad, it was the year of Covid, everyone got their baccalaureate that year. (laughs). We grew up in the Siblas neighborhood, in the family home for generations. Our grandmother lives below. It’s our headquarters, our fiefdom!

What was your favorite teenage spot?

Julien: For me, it’s always in the same place. I can even say that it has become my garden: the Parc des Lices! It’s a bit like home.

Mathieu: I was more of a Place Biscarre team, the bowling alleys. We hung out and hung out there all the time, like teenagers.

How did you learn music?

Mathieu: Self-taught. I couldn’t stand groups, associations or the conservatory for example.

Julien: At home. We were exposed to Anglo-Saxon music: Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Prince… But we don’t boycott French artists, however.

Can you succeed in music while living in Toulon?

Mathieu: Of course. Today, as everything is viral, we can build artistic solidity through social networks. And, if you don’t have a phobia of trains, you can also get around Paris easily.

Julien: Finally… You have to want it!

Was the “La Canaby family” project of live concerts at home, with your parents and Carla de Coignac, important to you?

Mathieu: We knew it was happening but we didn’t really dare to do it: in fact, the lives allowed us to ask people and raise money…

Julien: The goal was to finance my latest single. And it worked pretty well.

You had announced the end of your musical career… Then you released the single My roadend of May 2024. Why this title?

Julien: It was a summery, coco-funky way for me to put a stop to all that, and to conclude properly for the people who were waiting. Now, I’m taking a break. I continue to sing of course, in bars or for events. But it’s more out of passion.

And you Mathieu, what are your plans?

Mathieu: I never gave up because I only have one idea in mind, to succeed as an artist. I wrote and composed the last title for Julien and on Carla’s last EP. I also composed songs for Louane. And, recently, I collaborated with the artist Zack Reece, who is making a featuring album with big names of the French scene, including Slimane, Amel Bent, Christophe Willem… And I also have stage projects for the start of the school year.

Café Pop, in Toulon. Photo DR.

Bio express

2014: Mathieu takes part in Rising Star on M6.
2017: Mathieu takes part in La Nouvelle Star on M6 and meets Carla de Coignac.
2022: Julien participates in Star Academy (season 10) on TF1.
2023: release of the single T’as le temps and the video clip, filmed with the two brothers in the Toulon area.
2023: live “La Canaby family” with around fifteen concerts.
2024: release of the single Ma route pour Julien.
2024: Mathieu is part of Zack Reece’s album, alongside big names in French song.

Local favorites and little secrets

Where do you take someone who is coming to us for the first time?

Julien: At home. It’s the best spot in Toulon (laughs).
Mathieu: And to go out, Café Pop!

With a magic wand, what would you change in the region?
Julien: We should create more activities and parties. It is changing, but really little by little…
Mathieu: I would remove a few red lights and no entry signs (laughs).

What do you miss when you’re not in the area?
Mathieu: Calm and serenity. I lived in Paris for a few years and it’s nitroglycerin bars that you send into your brain there!
Julien: I traveled a lot all over France to do dates after the Star Ac’. But, here, it’s like a magnet. It’s my home, basically.

If you had to live in another region, which would you choose?
Julien: A cabin in the woods, not very far.
Mathieu: If I had to leave Toulon, it would be to experience something completely different, therefore the United States.

It remains between us

What puts you in a good mood?
Julien: For me, in the morning, it doesn’t exist (laughs).
Mathieu: Waking up next to a woman I love.

…and in a bad mood?
Mathieu: Telephone canvassers.
Julien: Trends on social networks.



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