Several houses flooded after storms in the Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny sector

Several houses flooded after storms in the Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny sector
Several houses flooded after storms in the Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny sector

The Cher department was placed on orange alert for storms (level 3 out of 4) this Saturday, June 29, 2024. Heavy rains caused flooding in the Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny and Quantilly areas.

Between 4 and 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, firefighters intervened around twenty times, mainly around Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny and Quantilly, after flooding caused by storms that hit the area. The department was on orange alert (level 3 out of 4) for the day this Saturday.

“A torrent of water”

Firefighters carried out pumping operations in houses, where the water sometimes rose to 20 centimeters. Sudden flooding that impressed the occupants, like this woman who lives in Cros de Vaux, in Quantilly. On her phone, she shows photos of the water flowing on the road, in front of her house: “It was a torrent of water.” “The road is the gutter. The ditches are overflowing with water flowing from the fields,” laments a neighbor.

After the floods in Sancergues, five houses will remain uninhabitable “for at least nine months”

The storms also hit the towns of Saint-Martin-d’Auxigny, Saint-Georges-sur-Moulon, Saint-Palais and Vignoux-sous-les-Aix. A second wave of bad weather is expected in the evening.

The roads were damaged.

The Cher department is placed on yellow alert (level 2 out of 4) for storms, for the day of this Sunday, June 30.

Marion Berard



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