A medical oasis in downtown Agen

A medical oasis in downtown Agen
A medical oasis in downtown Agen

the essential
The Sagéo health center has moved to 2 place Foch in Agen. This installation is accompanied by the arrival of two other doctors. There will soon be four.

The figures speak for themselves. In 2023, in Agen, 5,179 people aged 17 or over were without a designated GP (source CPAM 47). Recently, in our columns, we reported that three female general practitioners, who work privately in the Pont-du-Casse industrial zone, will cease their activity on 20 December. 10,000 patients in the Agen urban area are now on the street.

The move, on Friday, June 28, of the Sagéo health center located at 151 Boulevard de la République to 2 place Foch, in the cathedral district of Agen, must be seen in this scarlet context of medical desertification. “It is one of the hardest problems,” recognizes Mayor Jean Dionis. Sagéo is a private company that offers quality of life to doctors and health professionals. 100% of the time is medical time for doctors. It is not the universal answer but it is part of the new model.”

“We participate in the public service,” notes Sylvain Falinower, health director of Sagéo, “with the outpatient care service (PDSA) and with the Health Access Service (SAS).” Note that doctors can set up within Sagéo as employees or as freelancers. There is flexibility.

An active queue of 3,000 patients

Nicolas Boudeville, president of Sagéo, indicates that the active queue, “with all the health professionals”, is 3,000 patients, “including 2,500 with our general practitioners”. The establishment at Place Foch is accompanied by the arrival of two doctors, a general practitioner and a general ultrasound practitioner. There will therefore be four of them, in addition to a nurse.

With four floors that still smell of fresh paint – the top one is a terrace reserved for the team – the new hub has a biological sampling area managed in collaboration with the Inovie laboratory and a teleconsultation area that will connect patients with specialist doctors. A true medical oasis.

Nicolas Boudeville underlines that a partnership around physiotherapy and healthy sports is being developed with the Donnefort Maison de Santé. He also talks about prevention. Links have been established with SOS Oxygène, a health provider which supports people with respiratory disorders and sleep disorders.

The Sagéo center is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., appointments are accessible via Doctolib or by telephone. Patients can benefit from full third-party payment.



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