RN confirms, Philippe Poutou hangs on… what to remember from the first round in Aude

RN confirms, Philippe Poutou hangs on… what to remember from the first round in Aude
RN confirms, Philippe Poutou hangs on… what to remember from the first round in Aude

The National Rally is well ahead, Philippe Poutou narrowly makes it to the second round… Here is the essential information on the vote in the three constituencies of Aude.

In Carcassonne, Narbonne, Castelnaudary and the 350 other communes of Aude, it is a tidal wave National Rally. Jordan Bardella’s party, allied to Eric Ciotti’s right, even collected more votes than in the European elections three weeks ago.

In each of the three constituencies in the department, the outgoing MP belongs to the far-right party. They all came out on top in their constituency, far ahead of their competitors.

In the 1st, Philippe Poutou facing a very strong RN

In the 1st constituency of the department, highly scrutinized due to the candidacy of Philippe Poutou, member of the New Anti-Capitalist Party and invested by the New Popular Front, the outgoing deputy Christophe Barthès narrowly missed victory in the first round, with 49.33 % of votes. He will therefore face the candidate of the Union of the Left next Sunday.

A triangular in the 2nd

In the second constituency, a triangular one will take place for the second round. The outgoing deputy RN Frédéric Falcon is also well in the lead with 48.12%. Facing him, Viviane Thivent, candidate of the New Popular Front, who obtained 26.02% of the votes, and Christine Breyton, candidate Ensemble, who collected 19.32% of the votes.

It remains to be seen whether the candidate of the presidential majority, who came in third place, will withdraw in favour of the candidate of the left union.

The RN still in the lead in the 3rd

In the third constituency, the outgoing RN MP Julien Rancoule is also largely in the lead with 44.7% of the votes cast. He will face Philippe Andrieu in the second round, candidate invested by the New Popular Front, who won 32.67% of the votes.



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