Start of fire in a nursing home in Muret due to a mattress fire, 3 people injured

Start of fire in a nursing home in Muret due to a mattress fire, 3 people injured
Start of fire in a nursing home in Muret due to a mattress fire, 3 people injured

the essential
A nursing home in Muret (Haute-Garonne) experienced a fire on the night of Saturday to Sunday. Three residents were injured. Around thirty firefighters were mobilized to deal with this disaster.

Restless night at the Ehpad le Castelet, located in Muret (Haute-Garonne), south of Toulouse, located at 1 rue Pierre Fons. The firefighters were called during the night from Saturday to this Sunday for a fire. A mattress fire was the cause of the disaster. The staff were able to control the flames before the firefighters arrived, indicates the SDIS 31.

Three people were taken into care by the firefighters: a 65-year-old resident and two members of staff, a 50-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman. All three were considered to be in relative emergency by the emergency services. The resident was evacuated to the Purpan University Hospital, the members of staff to the Rangueil University Hospital.

The healthcare executive went to the site to replace the members of her team, specify the Haute-Garonne firefighters. The nursing home was not evacuated and the other residents were able to stay there for the rest of the night.

28 firefighters and 7 vehicles were mobilized to deal with this disaster.

The Ehpad Le Castelet welcomes able-bodied or semi-able-bodied people over 60 years old and has 80 single and double rooms, according to the health authorities.



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