They learned French, with a strong desire to integrate

They learned French, with a strong desire to integrate
They learned French, with a strong desire to integrate

The Vierzon association Apprendre la langue Française (ALF), coordinated by Ouarda Djaouane, welcomed three hundred and one learners – migrants, refugees, etc. – during this school year, wishing to learn or improve their French. They were supervised by ten volunteers, including eight trainers.

The award ceremony took place on Saturday afternoon, at the Beffroi hall, in the presence of Corinne Ollivier, Mayor of Vierzon, in a very friendly atmosphere, as every year. It concerned sixty-three learners in the different course levels (To see the Berry Republican (from June 28) . We saw happy faces to be certified and graduated, proud to have reached this point thanks to very diligent work throughout the year. They also warmly thanked the team of trainers who volunteer with them every week.

These women and men who come from different countries have only one goal: to integrate. Their learning of the French language is the best demonstration of this and allows them to gain autonomy in various situations of daily life.

The afternoon ended with a tasting of various pastries brought by the participants and a friendly drink, before meeting up for the next school year in September.



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