Sunday June 30, 2024 forecast

Sunday June 30, 2024 forecast
Sunday June 30, 2024 forecast

Lille’s day will be marked by the appearance of clouds in the sky. Temperatures will be 15°C at the lowest and 21°C at the highest. On the other hand, the weather should improve during the morning. The thermometer will display 17°C on average. A north wind will blow lightly. In the afternoon, clouds will dot the sky, thus hindering the appearance of the sun. The weather will be punctuated by scattered rain. Values ​​will be between 17 and 21°C. Scattered rain will fall in the evening. The average temperature will be 16°C. The sky will be clear during the night from Sunday to Monday.

Tomorrow, in Lille, clouds will not want to make way for the sun. A drop in temperatures is expected. Temperatures are forecast to be around 16°C. On the other hand, this morning will rhyme with beautiful sunshine. It will be 16°C on average. A modest northerly breeze will be felt by the inhabitants. A sky covered in clouds is what we should expect tomorrow afternoon. Scattered rain is expected. On the other hand, the ambient air will warm up with a rise of a few degrees. Values ​​will range from 19 to 20°C. The evening will remain overcast because of clouds that persist in the sky. Temperatures will be around 17°C. A light southwest wind will blow.

The weather conditions over the following days will gradually change. After similar weather conditions on Tuesday, the situation will change on Wednesday.



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