Loire-Atlantique. An arrest for theft at Hellfest, arrests in a Roma camp in Saint-Herblain, €25,000 in cash found on a Sudanese man

Loire-Atlantique. An arrest for theft at Hellfest, arrests in a Roma camp in Saint-Herblain, €25,000 in cash found on a Sudanese man
Loire-Atlantique. An arrest for theft at Hellfest, arrests in a Roma camp in Saint-Herblain, €25,000 in cash found on a Sudanese man

On June 28, a violent pickpocket – he twisted the thumb of one of his victims, throwing him to the ground, and ripped out the jacket pocket of a second young man – was arrested on the Hellfest site in Clisson by festival-goers and handed over to the police, although he violently struggled. On July 1, he was sentenced in Nantes to five months in prison. Originally from Romania – his plane ticket was still in his belongings, he had thrown stolen phones on the ground during his arrest.

Furthermore, three teenagers and a 29-year-old man were arrested at the end of June in a Roma camp in Saint-Herblain for at least 18 burglaries in telephone and eyeglass stores in Loire-Atlantique, Charente, Charente-Maritime, Anjou, Ille-et-Vilaine and Sarthe. Each time the iron curtain was lifted just a little, one of the teenagers slipped inside and smashed the windows with a sledgehammer… for a loss of 200,000 euros.

Who says that foreigners don’t get by in France? On June 27, a 30-year-old Sudanese man was arrested in front of the Nantes train station during a (small) clean-up operation. A bundle of 24,850 euros was found on him – he said he wanted to send this money back to his country. A laudable intention that didn’t spare him either from police custody or from accusations of money laundering.


Illustrations  : DR
[cc] Breizh-info.com, 2022, dispatches free to copy and distribute subject to mention and link to the original source



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