Prades: poetry competition: three prizes for Saint-Joseph

Prades: poetry competition: three prizes for Saint-Joseph
Prades: poetry competition: three prizes for Saint-Joseph

The academic poetry competition in Catalan, organized by the Montpellier rectorate, has announced its winners.

Three Saint-Joseph middle school students were awarded prizes: Lilou Estela (tied 1st prize) and Lola Perez (tied 2nd prize) were awarded in the cycle 3 and 4 middle school category, modern language teaching. The eloquence prize in the same category was awarded to Gahel Piguenet, who recited his poem to the assembly and read that of his 4th grade classmate who was absent during the ceremony. All Catalan option students in 5th, 4th and 3rd years took part in the poetry competition. Natàlia Verdaguer, teacher explains: “We worked on these types of stories to understand their structures and literary characteristics and to appropriate the poetic tools and versification techniques used in these texts. We also relied on the book Tribeproposed by the Llibre Vive competition and which could also correspond to the theme Everyone different, everyone the samepoems that give us hope for a united and humane world “. It was at the Rivesaltes Camp Memorial that the awards were presented. A beautiful and moving ceremony for all the families who accompanied their children and the Catalan teachers from the primary, secondary and high schools of the department.



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