With its “Lion King” show, the Nadège Cayron dance school intends to make the Rodez audience roar with happiness

With its “Lion King” show, the Nadège Cayron dance school intends to make the Rodez audience roar with happiness
With its “Lion King” show, the Nadège Cayron dance school intends to make the Rodez audience roar with happiness

The Nadège Cayron dance school is organizing its traditional end-of-year gala this Sunday, June 30 at 3 p.m., at the Rodez Amphitheatre. This year, the show is dedicated to the story of “The Lion King”.

“1, 2, 3, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4…” Since Tuesday, rehearsals have been going on at the Amphitheater for the Nadège Cayron dance school. The founder sets the tempo and adjusts the last details with her troops, before the performance on Sunday at 3 p.m. After Aladdin and Billy Elliot, among others, the Rodez association is offering a new creation for its end-of-year gala, centered around “The Lion King.”

For 2 hours and 15 minutes, the students of the Ruthenian school will interpret the famous African legend in their own way. To bring this world-famous story to life, the students will mix dance and comedy. A show adapted to the characteristics of the dancers. “It’s a project that I’ve wanted to stage for a long time, especially since I became a mother,” smiles Nadège Cayron, the dance teacher. “But this year, we felt it was the right time. “

The public at the heart of the story

For its 17th end-of-year show, 140 dancers and 11 actors, from 4 years old to adults, will be on stage. “What’s good with Nadège is that everything is square. Everyone knows exactly what they have to do,” summarizes Juan Matoses, also a teacher within the organization. “Everyone is there.”

But with a scenario that oscillates between dance, theater and musical comedy, Nadège Cayron needed a helping hand. For this one, she will be able to rely on the contribution of some students of Gaëlle Jouault and the theater school Stichomythie & Compagnies, of Fabien Austruy. For the latter, this contribution was obvious. “The idea is that they can share new experiences, develop new skills and mix with a different art, he recognizes. This allows them to grow but I am proud of them because they are there.”

The founder also benefited from logistical efforts. “The parents of the students helped us a lot with the decorations and we thank them for that. The result is very positive.” Many surprises are in preparation. Without revealing everything, Nadège Cayron reveals some aspects. “This show is joyful, dynamic and colorful. The audience will be immersed and at the heart of the story,” she explains. “We have been working on it since January and the technical teams are helping us a lot, whether in the light shows. and the sound system is a real collective effort,” she says. Hoping to make the audience roar.



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