At Chaumont Handball 52, “a magnificent story” is being written

At Chaumont Handball 52, “a magnificent story” is being written
At Chaumont Handball 52, “a magnificent story” is being written

A new wind is blowing on Chaumont Handball 52: Emmanuelle Cornibert-Billard has taken over from Rachel Sugneau as president of the prefectural club. Optimism is the order of the day, especially since the team has a golden youth.

jhm quotidien: What impressions can you give us, in your new capacity as president of Chaumont Handball?

Emmanuelle Cornibert-Billard (new president of Chaumont Handball 52): “It wasn’t really a surprise, since we had been working on this for a year. The idea was above all not to create too much disorientation within the board of directors, in order to maintain a dynamic that had been very good up until then. I will keep the same job, without the cash, with more projects. »

daily jhm: What will these projects be, anyway?

E. C.-B. : “One of the biggest will concern refereeing, since we had already opened training for referees within the club. But it will be more about training prevention, since there are more and more concerns, particularly due to the vehemence of the public. We will be joined by two professional referees, who will be there to help with the training of young referees. Adapted handball will also be a major project: we will join the French Adapted Sports Federation (FFSA), in order to evolve in this branch of sport. »

“The agreement with Froncles will continue” in Chaumont

daily jhm: Will there be an emphasis on the senior teams, whether women’s or men’s?

E. C.-B. : “In any case, finances are more permissive in this sense. This will allow us to do several things: we will be able to anticipate travel. And above all, recruitment work for senior girls and boys has already started for next season. The agreement with Froncles will continue and the next financial year will be able to start on a confident basis. »

daily jhm: We can say that you have a very successful youth team, with the men’s U18s, in addition to the adapted handball which is doing well.

E. C.-B. : “What’s happening is really great: the U18 boys have had a sensational season, remaining undefeated in all their competitions (championship and cup). We’ll know on Monday whether or not they’ll join the Elite championship, which is national. It’s very well underway in that regard. And for adapted handball, Anthony Droin will join the French team next year, while his brother carried the flame. It’s a wonderful story!”

Collected by BD



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