Legislative Results: Liquori (RN) in the lead ahead of Davi, LFI dissident, in the 5th circo in Marseille

In the 5th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, it is Franck Liquori of the RN who comes in first position with 25.77% of the votes. He is followed by Hendrik Davi, outgoing LFI deputy who had not been nominated by France Insoumise, with 24.44% of the votes. The “official” candidate of the New Popular Front, Allan Popelard, came in third position with 23.32% of the votes. 565 ballots separate the two left-wing candidates. This Sunday evening, Allan Popelard had not yet announced whether or not he was remaining for the second round.

This constituency is made up of the 4th arrondissement of Marseille, and part of the 5th and 6th arrondissement.

Find the results of the candidates in the 5th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône:

Marcel Blanc (Reconquest!): 1.19%

Maxime Boudet (Together): 17.90%

Hendrik Davi (outgoing MP not invested by LFI): 24.44%

Franck Liquors (RN): 25.77%

Nathalie Malhole (Workers’ Struggle): 0.53%

Ambroise Malinconi (LR) : 5,13%

Pauline Papazian (Unlabeled): 0%

Barthelemy Plez (The Democratic Greens, UDI): 1.72%

Allan Popelard (New Popular Front, LFI): 23.32%

Pierre-Frédéric Zieba (Unlabeled): 0.01%

In 2022, Hendrik Davi (LFI) won the constituency with 56.64% of the vote, followed by Cathy Racon-Bouzon of the presidential majority.

In the first round of the 2022 legislative elections, in the 5th constituency, the turnout was 46.24%, then 44.44% in the second round.



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