La Teste-de-Buch named the most sporty city in Gironde: “It’s in our identity”

La Teste-de-Buch named the most sporty city in Gironde: “It’s in our identity”
La Teste-de-Buch named the most sporty city in Gironde: “It’s in our identity”


Enzo Legros

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 4:32 p.m.

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On June 25, 2024, the start-up Ville de rêve published a ranking of the most sporty cities in France. In Gironde, La Teste-de-Buch (95th nationally) comes in first place of this study, in front of Andernos-les-Bains and Gradignan.

The French company used a methodology that takes into account the number infrastructure, clubs, licensees and federations present in the communities.

“Our brand is the diversity of sports”

The deputy mayor of La Teste-de-Buch in charge of sporting life and public relations, Fabien Dufailly, is not surprised by this good result.

“We have around a hundred sports associations, many elite, regional and leisure sports clubs,” lists Patrick Davet’s deputy. It’s part of our identity to be a sports city”he continues.

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The sports clubs of Teste-de-Buch include nearly 10,000 licenseesfor a population of approximately 26,000 inhabitants. Surrounded by Lake Cazaux, the Arcachon basin and forest areas, the city operates in a setting conducive to outdoor activities.

“We have a territory with great natural wealth. Our brand is our diversity of sports”believes Fabien Dufailly.

However, “aging” infrastructure

The large number of existing infrastructures in Teste-de-Buch played a major role in its result in the Dream Town ranking. The town hall nevertheless recognizes that its facilities deserve to be renovated. “ We have a lot of installations that are aging”admits Fabien Dufailly.

Several works are planned or have started in the city, notably that of the Gilbert Moga athletics track, requiring an investment of 1.2 million euros.

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