Belgium will not have the seum in Avignon: here are the other Belgian comedians present at the festival

Belgium will not have the seum in Avignon: here are the other Belgian comedians present at the festival
Belgium will not have the seum in Avignon: here are the other Belgian comedians present at the festival

This year, there will be 1,617 shows at the Avignon Festival and therefore no less than 24,664 curtain raisers. Among them, a host of Belgian artists. Besides Freddy Tougaux who we spoke to you about here, we will find quite a few other comedians made in Belgium. Starting with the one who is part of the furniture of the OFF festival in Avignon, namely Michael Dufour, whose 28th participation this year. The author of the cult show “Make love with a Belgian” (which in 2023 became the most performed comedy at the Avignon Festival on the differences between French and Belgians) will present his new successful comedy “Le coup de pelle” from July 5 to 21 (at 7:50 p.m. at the Cinevox Theater).

Another comedian who is a regular here and who needs no introduction is Manon Lepomme. The “hysterical” Liégeoise will perform her successful show, “I’m much better, thank you!” July 8 and 15, at 6:20 p.m., at the Le Paris theater. The Brabançon Kostia, winner of 8 festival prizes including Rochefort, will not be at his first Avignon either. He will be back this year with his “Entre-deux”, every day at the Avignon comedy, at 2:15 p.m. from July 1 to 21. Just like his Brussels friend Greg Gennart, who is also not his first attempt (having also done his Avignon… in Paris) and with whom he had already produced a Devils anthem for the previous Euro football tournament. Comedian and life coach Greg Gennart will be every day at 5 p.m. at the L’autre Carnot theater (the same as Freddy Tougaux) with his energetic “Burn out almost perfect”.

Manon Lepomme is only 33 years old? Yet she looks more and more like her mother, who is much older! ©ÉdA

Let’s also note the mime Quentin Vana (Pixel Avignon at 3:25 p.m. with “Tout va bien”) but also the comedians Edgar Kosma and Zora who will be there again this summer in the city of the Popes. Building on its success in 2023, the first is back with his “Alone on stage as in life” at Paradise République at 5:50 p.m. As for Zora, she returns to the stage “under the advice of her psychologist” with her stand-up offbeat and hesitant entitled “Camembert”. The comedian with an inimitable character and voice will play at the Tache d’ ink at 9 p.m.

Brussels – IPM Headquarters: Kostia – Comedian. In Brussels on February 22, 2023 ©JC Guillaume

First times too

As for the Carnot theater, we will find Etienne Serck (who we told you about during the Turbulences kinoises) who is doing his very first Avignon here. The comedian and incredible Belgian percussionist will perform his show “Ma musique, ma mère!” from June 29 to July 21. Nicolas Lacroix, famous tiktokeur – Nico in real life – Belgian turned comedian (Cactus on Vivacité in particular), is also doing his very first Avignon. He will be from July 3 to 21 at the Théâtre Le Paris at 6:10 p.m. with his show Trop gentil.

Nicolas Lacroix, Too nice. ©EDA

Let’s mention three more shows that are likely to make some noise. Starting with the Voyageurs Sans Bagage troupe. After the resounding success of “L’Argent fait le Bonheur” at the 2023 Avignon Off Festival (sold out), the Brussels company is back with their brand new creation between pop-political and cape and sword universes, “La Reine des Mousquetaires” from July 3 to 21, 2024 at 8:20 p.m. at the Paradise République theater (closed on 07&14). With the French elections and the rise of the RN, especially in the Avignon region, the anti-racism troupe arrives with messages of living together, diversity, gender issues and decolonization with “Dumas with a Belgian sauce”.

For the second time, Jean-François Breuer will also be on stage at the Théâtre Buffon from June 29 to July 21 at 5:50 p.m. with “Les garçons et Guillaume, à tables!”, the funny show about Guillaume Galienne’s coming out in reverse, which has been a hit for over a year all over the French-speaking world. Finally, in the same theater but this time at 1:15 p.m., Julie Duroisin will delight the audience with the revival, after 16 years, of her one-woman show “Emma”, a little gem based on Flaubert’s Bovary written by Dominique Bréda.

Travelers Without Luggage (Money Buys Happiness) returns to Avignon with “The Queen of the Musketeers”. ©DR


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