Which Icaunais municipalities have received legacies from their citizens?

The commune of Seignelay, that of Saint-Valérien or even the town of Tonnerre are some examples of communes in Yonne which have received a heritage from inhabitants.

The news had hit the headlines and aroused curiosity. In 2018, the commune of Seignelay benefited from a legacy from one of its residents for the third time in the space of twenty years.

First in the series, the Beatrix couple, in 1995. Their donation made it possible to build the residence that bears their name, intended for the elderly. A few years later, another surprise for the mayor at the time, Pierre Parent. In 2004, Marcelle Robineau, Righteous Among the Nations, also bequeathed her assets to the commune with a specific idea in mind: that her legacy serve the cause of children. Today, her name is affixed to the commune’s children’s home.

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A gift of 500,000 euros

Third and most recent legacy: that of Micheline Michot. “In Pierre Parent’s time, Mrs. Michot had already donated her house to the municipality,” explains the current mayor, Thierry Corniot. When Micheline moved into a retirement home, the municipality sold her house and recovered the sale price. “We stopped there and it was already very good.”

Until that day in December 2018. “I will always remember it. I didn’t expect it at all. The notary called me to tell me that the municipality was the universal legatee. When she told me told to sit down, I understood that it was not a small amount,” says Thierry Corniot. More than 500,000 euros. “Micheline Michot always lived very modestly. She never spoke about anything,” the elected official is still surprised today.

Nor did she give any instructions as to the use she would have liked. “It’s rare, and it’s appreciable, because sometimes when the instructions are too precise, it blocks the money.” Micheline Michot’s donation allowed the renovation of the swimming pool, the construction of a new subdivision and the renovation of a room in the children’s home.

What remains of the legacy of 500,000 euros obtained by the commune of Seignelay in 2018?

If no other municipality in Icaunais has been as lucky as Seignelay, other legacies are notable: among others, Saint-Valérien received €265,000 last March; the town of Tonnerre and its football club inherited €400,000 in 2021.

Cecile Carton



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