Thunderstorms: Aveyron and Millau enter orange alert this midday

Thunderstorms: Aveyron and Millau enter orange alert this midday
Thunderstorms: Aveyron and Millau enter orange alert this midday

The afternoon could be lively for this festive weekend around the Natural Games of Millau. We cross our fingers for tonight’s concerts: Naaman, Meute, Jain and Féfé…

Météo France has issued an orange warning bulletin for a risk of thunderstorms that could occur in particular in South Aveyron and Millavois from midday. The alert covers the period until 6 p.m. before going down one notch, to yellow, for the evening.
Thunderstorms could locally cause heavy rainfall of up to 30 mm and hail showers. The maximum risk in Millau is announced between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

The festival of Natural Games Millau is still taking place until Sunday on the Maladrerie plain with a final musical evening starting at 6 p.m.

After two days of finally summery heat, it’s a new “goutte froidea meteorological phenomenon scientifically called DANA (Depression at Altitude of Non-Tropical Origin), has been traveling from Spain towards France since Thursday and will be responsible for the powerful stormy offensive this Saturday, across all of France“, indicates Météo France.

Millau goes on storm watch from this afternoon
JDM – Capture Météo France


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