SENS – It’s the end of an era for the Bar du Moulin!

SENS – It’s the end of an era for the Bar du Moulin!
SENS – It’s the end of an era for the Bar du Moulin!

Danielle Mallet

The Bar du Moulin located rue du Général Dubois changes ownership as of 1is July. The tobacconist Danièle Mallet closed a whole chapter of her life this Friday, June 28, 2024 in the evening, giving way to two Sénonais, Marie and her son Quentin.

The Bar du Moulin sees its owner leave. Danièle Mallet, who stood behind the counter of this establishment for 39 years, served her last customers Friday evening. This bar saw the tobacconist grow but it was without much enthusiasm that she took over the business in 1985 in order to replace her ailing father, the establishment’s initial priority since the 1960s. She has no idea of ​​this business. didn’t want to. She would have preferred her father to sell it. It must be said that it is a profession “very gripping”. “When you do this job, you have very little freedom. When I took over the bar, I worked from Monday to Saturday. On Sunday, you don’t do much.” testifies the owner. Her daughter and son-in-law confirm that the activity does not make family life easier but Danièle Mallet will be able to fully enjoy her retirement alongside them, in particular her granddaughter Camille, present Friday evening, and whose sporting prowess makes her particularly proud. At 11 years old, the little girl is in fact vice-champion of Alsace in pole vaulting and judo champion of the Belfort region.

Moreover, Danièle Mallet has seen the neighborhood evolve over time, or rather “devolve” as she likes to say. A neighborhood which has seen its businesses close and little by little abandoned by local businesses also victims of the crisis. A shoemaker, a butcher, a charcutier or even a baker once enlivened the neighborhood that Danièle considers to be ” a village “. “They all closed one after the other. After a while, I was all alone with the hairdresser”. The Bar du Moulin has had its share of hard times, having once enjoyed the presence of factories like the old tannery. “Before, people went out a lot more, they went to bars more”Young people met there before going out, until the 2010s, before the advent of the mobile phone. “And the Covid period screwed us up. We took a slap”.

However, the bar remained a friendly place for many people. “We had good times. If the lady comes, it’s because we’re having a good laugh” she said, pointing to a customer. “I’ve made friends in 30 years, but I’ve also made enemies, let’s not forget that! People who drool behind your back. But that doesn’t bother me, it just makes me smile. Sometimes it stung me. But overall, I have a nice clientele.”. Danièle Mallet has received a lot of loyal customers in nearly four decades. Among them, Angélique, who has been frequenting the bar since 2013, was particularly moved by her departure, very saddened even. “We became friends, we talked a lot, we got to know each other. And now I’m his assistant secretary.” laughs Angélique, very attached to the establishment and especially to the one she nicknames “Auntie Danièle”. Many memories, laughs, and confidences remain in the Bar du Moulin, which will reopen its doors on Monday. Customers will now be welcomed by new faces.

Floriane BOIVIN



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