“It’s a disaster, we have to sound the alarm”: in Auch, shopkeepers on Avenue Alsace are worried about the drop in customers

“It’s a disaster, we have to sound the alarm”: in Auch, shopkeepers on Avenue Alsace are worried about the drop in customers
“It’s a disaster, we have to sound the alarm”: in Auch, shopkeepers on Avenue Alsace are worried about the drop in customers

the essential
The traders on Avenue Alsace have suffered a drop in activity and footfall in recent months. A worrying situation due in part to the growing popularity of shopping centers.

For several months in Auch, traders on Avenue Alsace have been facing a drop in dynamism and traffic. One of the reasons given for this drop in customers is the rise of shopping centers on the outskirts, which offer a greater variety of shops and attract a significant portion of customers.

Marianne, manager of “Tissus d’Oc”, expresses the urgency of the situation in the face of a difficult economic situation: “The more shops close, the fewer people will come. Everything is done for the big stores today.” She thus calls for the arrival of a large brand to revitalize the city center: “We need a large store to come and set up shop. We need a brand that brings people in, especially young people. The shops here are too expensive for them, so they go to large shopping centers like in Blagnac (Haute-Garonne).”

Many shops prefer to move to other, busier streets.

Managers of brands still in business express deep concern for their future like Sylvie, from the Lucie Shoes boutique, who shares her anger on the subject: “It’s a disaster, we must sound the alarm. Several boutiques are in the red or about to close and others have already packed up.” Indeed, several stores on the avenue will soon close their doors, such as Okaïdi (Editor’s note: those in charge of the brand did not wish to comment on the subject).

Jean-Marc, boss of the tobacco shop “Vialars Jean-Marc et Cie” shares Sylvie’s opinion: “Obviously, it’s scary. Everyone sees a significant drop in consumers. I think there is no not enough diversity in this avenue It’s only clothing stores, it’s missing an engine, but unfortunately I don’t have the solution. The businesses are closing, but no one is renting the premises. people are not crazy.”

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Passers-by on the street have also noticed this desertification: “It’s certain, there are fewer and fewer people, many go to the Grand-chêne shopping area,” notes Laurence. Emeline finds it a shame to lose local businesses: “I see all the shops closing in turn, I find it sad. We have to keep the city center alive, especially since we are not a big city.”

Solutions to avoid closure

Another fairly recurring case is moving, such as the hair salon La tête en l’Hair. Amélia, the salon’s manager, explains her desire to move elsewhere: “It’s one of the main reasons for my departure. Since I’ve been on Rue du Général Schlesser, I’ve had a lot more customers.”

To remedy this lack of dynamism, some merchants are taking initiatives to liven up the street and attract customers. Marion from “Beauty Succès” discusses a future project: “We will surely organize a clearance sale to energize the street a little. I think it’s essential, we need that.” And the heart of the city too.



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