Faster, higher, more Monfort

Faster, higher, more Monfort
Faster, higher, more Monfort

Nelson Monfort, was in conference Thursday June 27 at the Michel-Humbert theater, to discuss his “Olympic Memories”. The famous commentator and sports journalist answered questions from his colleague and friend Christophe Jammot, but also those from the public.

It looked more like a wild discussion between two friends than a conference in the academic sense of the term. Organized by the City of Langres, in partnership with Groupama Grand-Est, Nelson Monfort’s conference delighted the public, on the eve of the passage of the Olympic flame. With a lot of lightness, smiles, and often humor, Christophe Jammot, who asked the questions, wanted to rediscover the atmosphere that emerges from Nelson Monfort’s interviews.

The famous commentator began his speech by praising the merits of Langres, which he was able to visit in the company of the mayor, Anne Cardinal. He visited the ramparts and the House of Lights in particular.

Transmit emotions

Nelson Monfort mainly returned to anecdotes from his rich career as a sports journalist. Known and recognized for his interviews in several languages, he also addressed this aspect of his profession. “I don’t translate literally. A UN interpreter would do that much better than me. I try to convey emotions,” confided Nelson Monfort.

Then questioned by Christophe Jammot on the difficulties of interviewing an athlete after a failure, Nelson Monfort admits to having abstained on several occasions: “There is nothing worse than someone crying into your microphone. Because if you interview someone in real distress, you are the one who comes across as the undertaker on duty.”

A sportsman rather than Jul; Nadal rather than Macron

During the evening, Nelson Monfort spoke frankly on various subjects, starting with the torchbearers. “For me, the porters must be athletic, and if possible Olympians. I don’t know Jul’s work. But I think there is a better torchbearer,” he says. A position shared by the public, who made it known with thunderous applause.

Working alongside athletes for more than 30 years has also allowed him to have special relationships with some of them, notably Rafael Nadal: “Every December 31 at 8 p.m., we send each other a message, and he responds to me in the three minutes. I prefer to send a message to Nadal rather than look at the wishes of the head of state,” he says with amusement.

Leave when the weather is nice

At the end of the conference, Nelson Monfort returned to his departure from France Télévisions, he who is preparing to experience his last Olympics this summer with the public channel: “It’s a joint decision. We should not leave at the start of the decline, but rather when it is still good, when the weather is nice,” he believes.

Enough to find a clear parallel when a spectator asks him about great athletes who do not know how to stop, taking in particular the example of Rafael Nadal: “I am also in this situation. Perhaps for some, I would have done one fight too many. I don’t throw athletes who have given a lot for their sport, their country, and who believe they are still capable of continuing. »

Serene for the future

If his future will be outside the Porte d’Auteuil, Nelson Monfort nevertheless remains confident about what awaits him, with a new adventure expected to begin for him in the fall.

The journalist admits all the same that he would have “liked to do interviews with artists or other personalities”, even if “sport would have accompanied [sa] life. » From his job, Nelson Monfort has learned one lesson: “Love people, they will return it to you a hundredfold!” “. The spectators present during the signing session had the opportunity to prove him right.

Clement Michelot



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