In Saint-Nazaire, the entrepreneur cooperative opened to new members

In Saint-Nazaire, the entrepreneur cooperative opened to new members
In Saint-Nazaire, the entrepreneur cooperative opened to new members

Lynda Guillemaud is an associate entrepreneur within the Périscop cooperative, located at 47, rue des Halles in Saint-Nazaire.

What is the advantage for an entrepreneur to join your cooperative?

Each entrepreneur pays a portion of their turnover to the SCOP, which in return pays them a regular monthly salary. It is this contribution that allows the cooperative to take care of, for example, accounting, the invoicing tool, civil and professional liability, mutual insurance and pension plans. We have employee status, which means that we are not considered self-employed. If we want to invest, buy a house and apply for a loan, our employee status, equivalent to a permanent contract, reassures the banks. We share an 80 m2 coworking space2 where you can come and work whenever you want. You can invite a client and organize small training sessions in rooms.

How does integration into the cooperative take place?

We start with a business project support contract (Cape) which allows us to test our activity. If we validate this step, we then become employees which can last between 1 and 3 years. After 3 years, we either leave the cooperative or we become partners and take shares in the Scop.

Can Periscop still welcome new members?

We would like to continue to grow and welcome between 50 and 60 members in the coming years so that the structure can finance its expenses. We are open to both project leaders and established entrepreneurs who wish to continue to develop, work in a collective and relieve themselves of the administrative side.



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