Tournefeuille. At the Château, we fight for a class

Tournefeuille. At the Château, we fight for a class
Tournefeuille. At the Château, we fight for a class

This Thursday, June 27 in the morning, parents and students of the Château de Tournefeuille elementary school gathered to express their opposition to the announced closure of a class for the next school year. Faced with this decision that threatens the quality of education and the future of students, a petition was launched on the platform. The latter has already collected 161 signatures to date, proof of the interest that those concerned have in this sensitive subject.

This initiative aims to mobilize as many people as possible and obtain the necessary support to keep this class open. “We invite all citizens concerned with the education of our children to sign this petition and join our cause,” argued Esther Ros, member of the FCPE of the Château elementary school.

AESH positions are lacking

Another problem, to date, four AESH (Accompanying students with disabilities) positions have not been filled. “We know that the problem is global. It is clear that the quality of education continues to deteriorate. In the streets, at work, we hear about educational programs that are becoming lighter, resources that are decreasing, overcrowded classes… and teachers on leave The lack of replacements and qualified staff to support children in difficulty (who are, however, more numerous) is glaring,” concluded the FCPE representative.

The petition is available at this link:


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