Hollande, Borne, Ruffin, Wauquiez… these candidates who are playing for big in the Legislative elections

Hollande, Borne, Ruffin, Wauquiez… these candidates who are playing for big in the Legislative elections
Hollande, Borne, Ruffin, Wauquiez… these candidates who are playing for big in the Legislative elections

The legislative elections are full of hot spots across France.

Several national figures are not guaranteed victory in their constituency.

These include François Hollande in Corrèze, François Ruffin in the Somme and Elisabeth Borne in Calvados.

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François Hollande in Corrèze, Marine Le Pen in Pas-de-Calais, Fabien Roussel in the North, Dominique Voynet in Doubs, Philippe Poutou in Aude, Nathalie Arthaud in Seine-Saint-Denis, Jean Lassalle in the Pyrenees- Atlantiques, or even François Asselineau and Jacques Cheminade in the 11th constituency of French people living abroad… Many former candidates for the presidential election are running in the early legislative elections, on June 30 and July 7. TF1info takes stock of national candidates who are not guaranteed victory in their constituency.

François Hollande, a former head of state in reconquest

François Hollande’s surprise candidacy in the 1st constituency of Corrèze, which includes the town of Tulle, under the colours of the New Popular Front, has shaken up the left-wing alliance, where many did not want it, particularly among the rebels. But the former President of the Republic, who has been trying to gain media influence for several weeks and publicly clashed with Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the campaign, no longer heard “stay on (one’s) mountain of Tulle” et “watch the chaos”.

The presidential majority has not nominated anyone against the former head of state, but it supports the outgoing deputy LR Francis Dubois, his main opponent with the National Rally candidate Maïtey Pouget. A candidate “invisible” according to François Hollande, who assured AFP that he had not “not seen the face, neither in the markets, nor on his profession of faith.”

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In the event of victory, François Hollande believes that he will have a particular role to play in the new National Assembly if there is no clear majority. In the event of a “Ungovernable assembly, I think that the role of personalities like me, given the functions I have held, will be to find solutions”, he told BFMTV on Wednesday. François Hollande, already a deputy for the 1st constituency of Corrèze, from 1988 to 1993, then from 1997 to 2012, claims to have launched into the legislative battle “without any personal interest” and only “in a collective spirit”. But his election as a deputy could allow him to enter the race for the Élysée, for the presidential election of 2027.

Elisabeth Borne, a former Prime Minister under threat

Victory will probably be more complicated to obtain for Élisabeth Borne, in the 6th constituency of Calvados. The former Prime Minister, outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, only came out with 52.5% ahead of a young Insoumis candidate in 2022. The RN, for its part, made a clear breakthrough in the European elections (34%) in this territory.

Laurent Wauquiez, a LR tenor on the rise

Possible right-wing candidate for the 2027 presidential election, Laurent Wauquiez has chosen to relaunch himself on a national scale with a surprise candidacy in the 1st constituency of Haute-Loire, which notably includes Puy-en-Velay, his town . But will the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region resist the fractures which cross the Republicans, disoriented by the alliance negotiated by their boss Eric Ciotti – who is calmer in the 1st constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes – with the RN?

If Laurent Wauquiez seems to hold his local base, the RN came close to 40% in the European elections in this constituency held since 2022 by Isabelle Valentin, a close friend of the former president of the Republicans (2017-2019).

François Ruffin, re-election not assured

In the 1st constituency of the Somme, François Ruffin is putting his ambitions as a “potential Prime Minister” into play, having clearly distanced himself from Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the campaign. The former journalist, who is running this time under the banner of his micro-party Picardie Debout, and not under the banner of La France insoumise, believes in “miracle”notably by mobilizing the abstentionist working world.

He will need one to achieve victory: if, in the 2022 legislative elections, 61% of voters had trusted him, compared to 39% for the RN, on June 9, the far right won 44% in his constituency, compared to 26% for the cumulative scores of the left.

Jérôme Cahuzac, the incredible comeback attempt

Back to the future for Jérôme Cahuzac: in the markets of the 3rd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne, the former socialist minister is once again campaigning for the legislative elections, hoping to resume a political career that ended a decade ago for tax fraud.

Jérôme Cahuzac, 72, had begun his return to the arena since the fall, with a few public meetings in the department, claiming then to refrain from doing anything. He resigned in 2013 after revelations from Mediapart, before being sentenced in 2018 for tax fraud to four years in prison, two of which were suspended, and five years of ineligibility. A sentence served today that he does not like to see mentioned.

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François Hollande’s former Budget Minister has a small chance of victory in this constituency where Renaissance is not running a candidate. According to an Ifop Fiducial poll for Sud Radio, Jérôme Cahuzac is credited with 23% of voting intentions in the first round. He is just ahead of the Republicans candidate, Guillaume Lepers, and Xavier Czapla, the New Popular Front candidate, both at 19%. But he is 15 points behind the RN candidate, the outgoing MP Annick Cousin (38%). In the event of a second round between the left-wing alliance, the RN and Jérôme Cahuzac, Annick Cousin would emerge victorious with 47% of voting intentions, against 31% for Jérôme Cahuzac and 22% for Xavier Czapla.

In the event of a second round with a duel between the RN and Jérôme Cahuzac, Annick Cousin would also win, but this time with a small lead (51%).

Julien CHABROUT with AFP



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