New “Era” in Senegal: The Time of Forfeits!

New “Era” in Senegal: The Time of Forfeits!
New “Era” in Senegal: The Time of Forfeits!

He wanted it. He did it!
Mr. Ousmane Sonko, Prime Minister and co-President of the Republic of Senegal, has decided to free himself from the requirements of our Constitution and to self-determine corridors, outside the Institutions of the Republic.
The Proconsul of the political scene and his supporters, followers of voluntary servitude, have crossed a new red line. It is distressing to hear the deputies of Yewwi, the organic intellectuals of power and the macaws of the Press of deference and connivance, make speeches of serious republican indignity.
To say that Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko is right not to submit to the constitutional obligation to make a General Policy Declaration (DPG), or to condition it on a readjustment of certain Articles of the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly, is more than just an escape. This is, undeniably, a dangerous political fraud!
To claim that “fraud” and other “manipulations” of Articles of the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly make it impossible to apply Article 55 of our Constitution is an offense to the mental health of our Compatriots, a substitute as infectious as it is pernicious!
The positional inconsistency of Mr. Ousmane Sonko (MOS) and his clan is obvious.
The scoundrels and other lunatics who accompany MOS in its endeavor to desecrate our Institutions, claim to have warned the former Prime Minister, Amadou BA, of the illegal nature of making a DPG.
Why then were Yewwi MPs present during this exercise?
Why then did they file a Motion of Censure?
So many behaviors specific to the normal functioning of a National Assembly!
Summoning the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly in its inadequacies to refuse to comply with a Constitutional obligation, is this not maintaining that all the decisions, all the Laws passed by the National Assembly since 2022, are stamped with the seal illegality? So not valid?
In fact, this specious argument is an anti-republican deviation, a violent attack against the rule of law.
Because the Constitution is our Fundamental Charter, our Supreme Law against which no other law is enforceable!
More than a simple hierarchy of standards to be respected, it is a reminder of our common acceptance of the central and unique place of our Constitution in the Republic and in the validation of the rule of law.
To challenge our Constitution by relying on an Internal Regulation, even those of the National Assembly, is an outrageous lie.
In truth, the refusal of MOS to face the National Representation can be explained in two ways:
First, because MOS would show our Compatriots that there is no “Project”. And that, in doing so, it would jeopardize the future of a power built on false foundations.
Then, making this DPG would be, in essence, a simple renewal of the main Axes and Orientations of President Macky Sall’s PES. A disaster and, above all, a fatal risk not to be taken!!!
Thus, MOS thinks itself above the Laws.
Master of power and benefiting from the desertion of the battlefield by an Opposition paralyzed by its electoral defeat, from the collapse of a good part of the Press, from the culpable silence of certain Institutions, of Civil Society and of Academics fiercely aggressive against Macky Sall, MOS is in full delirium.
Power can drive you crazy and, deep down, MOS constantly repeats the famous phrase of Louis XIV: “The State is me”!
However, in his positions and behavior, MOS rather resembles the other Napoleon, “The Little One.”
So, we might as well name him “Ousmane le Petit”!!!

(Strategic Monitoring Support Unit) of the APR.



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