To soothe victims of violence during their hearings, this doctor calls on… a dog – Ouest-France evening edition

To soothe victims of violence during their hearings, this doctor calls on… a dog – Ouest-France evening edition
To soothe victims of violence during their hearings, this doctor calls on… a dog – Ouest-France evening edition

Since June 6, Tonka, a young golden retriever barely 2 years old, has become an integral member of the team at the Alençon-Mamers Hospital Center, in Orne. Alongside the doctor Frederik Briand, it helps to soothe the anxieties of children who are victims of violence during their hearings.

At the Alençon-Mamers hospital center (Chicam), in Orne, stuffed animals and cuddly toys mixed with the usual medical books, in the office of Doctor Frédérik Briand. Since June 6, 2024, a heterogeneous tandem has been formed between the healthcare professional, and Tonkaa young golden retriever of barely 2 years old.

A forensic doctor by profession, Frédérik Briand had the idea of ​​having a “medico-legal” dog accompany him during his interviews with victims of violence, particularly children. A little-known system, supported by the Handi’chiens association, which has already proven its effectiveness within the medico-legal reception unit (UAMJ).

Read also: Ravel, assistance dog, takes the drama out of hearings for child victims of violence

Since June 6, Tonka has become a full member of the medical-legal reception unit (UAMJ) of the Alençon hospital center. (Photo: Ouest France)

Reduce victims’ anxiety

“I saw an identical project in Saint-Lô (Manche), with good feedback from the experience, and I said to myself that it had to be doneconfides Frédérik Briand. Tonka “It helps to reduce the anxiety of victims by making this moment less solemn, but it also helps to calm the anxiety of separation between parents and children.”

Last year, nearly 150 people paraded on the couch of the medical examiner, as part of a hearing, including many children. During their visit, the specialist draws up a medical certificate, which will be attached to the legal proceedings to determine their total incapacity for work. Often trying moments, made easier by the presence of the animal. “I recently had a consultation with an autistic child who was afraid of dogs, he finally noticed Tonka, in the distance, under the desk, and he told me oh he’s cute, we’ll keep him. »

Since June 6, 2024, Tonka has become a full member of the medical-judicial reception unit (UAMJ) of the Alençon hospital center. (Photo: Ouest France)

Speaking made easier by more than 70%

« Tonka is a symbol of hope, resilience, and reconstruction” Florian rejoices Auffret, research and development manager for the Handi’chiens association. « It’s the 19the dog allocated throughout France, since the implementation of the system in 2019, and the results are already promising. We notice that speaking out is made easier by more than 70%, and that reconstruction occurs much earlier for the victims. »

The only structure accredited to train and assign legal assistance dogs, the Handi’chiens association first takes care of placing the animals in aa foster family from the age of 2 months, to develop their relationships, before having them follow intensive preparation in one of their centers. “Usually, we look at how the animals behave and we take stock with the teams to try to identify their specialty.”explains Sandra, Handi’chiens educator.

Read also: Within the Saint-Lô medical-judicial unit, the labrador “Ravel” has made its mark

A high cost

It still costs nearly €17,000 per dog, from birth to the age of 2. An expensive training cost for Tonka, which was taken care of by Handi’chiens, with the financial support of the Alençon club Ladies’circles 79 and private donors who also mobilized to pay the daily maintenance costs of the animal. With the signing of an agreement, in 2023, between the government and the Handi’chiens association, this medical-judicial dog system should be generalized by the end of the five-year term. With one objective: for these animals to be deployed across all French departments.



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