need a QR Code in the metro and RER?

need a QR Code in the metro and RER?
need a QR Code in the metro and RER?
During the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, use Parisian public transport: you will not need a QR Code. © Yespark

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will kick off on Friday July 26. During this period, will we be able to travel around the capital without a QR Code?

  • 28/06/2024
  • Laurent Lepsch

To drive by car or cross the “red” perimeters by car in Paris during the next Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris (which is obviously strongly discouraged), you will absolutely have to show your credentials. To ride within these perimeters during the competition (see here the perimeters concerned), but also during the ceremony period (from July 18 to 26) in the zones called Silt (Internal security and fight against terrorism), it will be necessary to have a QR Code, from the age of 13. Anyone without a valid QR Code will be turned away. To obtain this QR Code, which is completely free, you must go to the government platform Pass Jeux, the only one authorized to issue you with an official QR Code: beware of scams, because some crooks, online or in the street, could well take advantage of the Olympic windfall to sell fake QR Codes under the counter…

A QR Code, even for pedestrians

What will happen for all spectators and users of Parisian public transport during the next Paris Olympics? Good news, no digital pass will be requested during the period of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, whether for metros, RER, buses or trams. We will simply note that certain metro stations located in the Silt perimeters will be closed during the opening ceremony. Finally, during this same opening ceremony period (outside the competition), note that a QR Code will be required to access these Silt zones (called gray perimeters), including when traveling on foot, by bike or by scooter.

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