Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Le Cannet (06110) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Le Cannet (06110) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Le Cannet (06110) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – Who will the Nupes supporters in Le Cannet transfer to?

The other question surrounding these legislative elections is that of the choice of left-wing voters after the arrival of the New Popular Front. During the first round of the Parliamentary elections two years ago, in Cannet, the Nupes pair had in fact gathered 12.18% of the votes in the locality. A breakthrough to be refined with the 18% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the accumulation of Mélenchon-Roussel-Jadot-Hidalgo votes. At the time of the European elections more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann’s list reached 8.81% in Cannet. Still, in the city, we will also have to keep an eye on the 7.99% of the list of Manon Aubry (LFI), the 2.81% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 1.24% of Léon Deffontaine (Parti Communist). In other words, a total of 18% this time.

18:42 – The extreme right has vigorously advanced in Le Cannet

It is difficult to put all these results into perspective. But some clues are appearing… The progression of the RN, which already stands at 9 points in Le Cannet between its result in the 2019 European elections and the vote of June 9, is notable. The Le Pen party seems to have progressed more quickly at the local level than at the national level, with the results in France giving Jordan Bardella’s list rather 8 points more three weeks ago than in 2019. With a rough projection, we can deduce that the RN will be at nearly 27% in the locality this June 30 in the evening, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – An earthquake also in Le Cannet at the beginning of June?

Looking back at the last electoral experience may also seem essential when observing the vote in these legislative elections. 38.09% of the votes went to Jordan Bardella’s RN at the beginning of June, in the European elections in Le Cannet, facing Valérie Hayer at 12.56% and François-Xavier Bellamy at 11.72%. The nationalist movement took the vote with 5,606 voters in Le Cannet.

14:32 – Who won the presidential election two years ago in Le Cannet?

It is certainly the supreme election that gives us the most reliable indicator of the preferences of the inhabitants of a municipality. Marine Le Pen finished first with 27.46% in the first round of the 2022 head of state election in Le Cannet. Emmanuel Macron was second with 26.14% and Jean-Luc Mélenchon third with 14.91%. Fourth place went to Éric Zemmour, with 14.02% of the votes for his part. The head of the RN, however, lost to Emmanuel Macron in the second round with 49.78% against 50.22%.

12:32 – Data from the last elections, an indication for the 2024 legislative elections in Le Cannet?

The result of the National Rally will be the big subject for this legislative election, locally. During the last legislative elections in Cannet, the RN had to settle for second place, 19.37% of residents passing the polls having voted for their pair, compared to 38.62% for Michèle Tabarot (Les Républicains) in the first round. In the second round, he still failed to win in the city, once again leaving first place to the Les Républicains pair (67.27%). Michèle Tabarot therefore definitely won on the spot.

11:02 – Demographics and politics in Le Cannet, a close link

In Cannet, demographic and socio-economic factors determine the political context and can influence legislative elections. The unemployment rate at 13.54% may have an impact on residents’ expectations regarding employment directives. With a population density of 5,391 inhabitants per km² and 43.43% active population, these figures could encourage greater electoral engagement. The percentage of households owning at least one car (63.74%) shows a dependence on the automobile. This factor could impact the 13,214 voters on transportation and infrastructure issues. In addition, the presence of an immigrant population of 15.20% and a foreign population of 11.19% highlights the challenges of migration and integration policies in France. A rate of second homes of 14.88%, as in Cannet, indicates the presence of a more affluent population. Directives regulating secondary residences can also affect the political engagement of residents.

09:32 – It’s time to vote in Le Cannet: the legislative elections begin

The study of the results of previous elections allows us to better understand the vote of the electors of this city. During the previous European elections, 28,882 voters of Le Cannet took part in the vote (i.e. 51.89%), compared with a participation of 50.79% during the European elections of 2019. As a reminder, in the city, the participation in the 2022 legislative elections represented 46.55% in the first round and only 42.79% in the second round. Can we predict the participation for the 2024 legislative elections in Le Cannet? On a national scale, the participation was already scrutinized two years ago. It represented 18.43% at noon and only 39.42% at 5 p.m. for the first round, less than in 2017.

08:02 – Elections in Le Cannet: polling station times

The results of the legislative elections in Le Cannet are being released this Sunday, three weeks after the massive victory of the National Rally in the European elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly. The last legislative election in the 9th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes dates back to 2022, shortly after the presidential election. Among the three major forces present, who of the extreme right, the majority coalition, the union of the left will succeed in mobilizing the greatest number of votes in Le Cannet? The 30 polling stations in the commune of Le Cannet (from Hotel de Ville to Centre Administratif de Garibondy) will be open until 8 p.m. to welcome residents. Click on ‘Activate results alerts’ located at the top of the page to receive the results of the Le Cannet elections as soon as they are published.



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