SENEGAL-SOCIETY-CONSUMPTION / Price drop: the governor of Louga invites the trade department to intensify controls – Senegalese press agency

SENEGAL-SOCIETY-CONSUMPTION / Price drop: the governor of Louga invites the trade department to intensify controls – Senegalese press agency
SENEGAL-SOCIETY-CONSUMPTION / Price drop: the governor of Louga invites the trade department to intensify controls – Senegalese press agency

Louga, June 28 (APS) – The governor of the Louga region, Ndèye Nguénar Mbodj, on Friday invited the trade service to intensify inspections and to collaborate closely with consumers to guarantee the effectiveness and sustainability of the application of measures to reduce the price of essential foodstuffs.

“We have asked the trade department to intensify inspections and work closely with consumers to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the application of the recently adopted measures to lower the prices of several essential products,” he said. -she declared.

Ms. Mbodj was speaking to journalists after the meeting of the regional consumer committee on the application of these revised prices.

She clarified that “the regional consumption committee met to respond to the recent drop in prices of essential products such as refined palm oil, bread, wheat flour, granulated sugar, broken rice ordinary and cement”.

“The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss in depth the challenges related to the implementation of price control measures, highlighting the importance of continued vigilance to ensure the effectiveness of the measures taken in favor of consumers,” he said. -she reported.

She stressed that “emphasis was placed on the need to ensure the effective implementation of these measures, which are often violated after such meetings.”

In response, she added, “directives have been issued to intensify field inspections and encourage consumers to report violations through a dedicated toll-free number, 880-77-77, available to them. arrangement”.

The administrative authority insisted on “the active collaboration of consumers to help us ensure that the commitments made by wholesalers and retailers are respected”.

In this regard, she recalled that “strict sanction measures are planned against traders who do not respect the fixed prices”.

“Severe sanctions, including seizure by defense and security forces, will be applied in the event of non-compliance with the set prices,” she warned.

In fact, she assured, “the commercial service will intensify inspections, but consumers are also encouraged to report any violations via a dedicated toll-free number, 880 77 77.”




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