Joigny, Avallon, Sens, Saint-Florentin, Toucy… News near you

Joigny, Avallon, Sens, Saint-Florentin, Toucy… News near you
Joigny, Avallon, Sens, Saint-Florentin, Toucy… News near you

Every afternoon, the editorial staff of L’Yonne républicaine offers you a recap of local news.

An unprecedented event in Joigny, the volleyball section of a growing college in Sens, Véronique Lafont’s paintings on display in Avallon, anniversary of the Saint-Florentin social center, Nordic walking innovates in Toucy … Find the news near you from this Friday, June 28, 2024 in Yonne.

A hike punctuated by puzzles in Joigny on Saturday

To try to attract young people and families, the Yonne departmental hiking committee and the Joigny and Jovinien tourist office are organizing a free event, Saturday June 29, 2024 in Joigny: a hike-escape.

The volleyball section of Mallarmé de Sens college has doubled its numbers in four years

Created in 2016, the volleyball section of Mallarmé College is showing great vitality. A few weeks ago, between May 14 and 17, 2024, a group went to the French championships.

Sens will pedestrianize Rue de la République during summer Saturdays

In Avallon, the painter Véronique Lafont places colors at the heart of the work


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The artist Véronique Lafont is exhibiting her works at Atelier 62 in Avallon until the end of the summer. The opportunity for her to present her work, inspired by the impressionists.

The construction and management of the future Sens crematorium entrusted to OGF

The council of the Grand Sénonais agglomeration has awarded the concession for the future Sens crematorium to the OGF – GA promotion group, for a period of 30 years.

The Saint-Florentin social center celebrates its fifty years

Opened in 1974, the Florentine social centre is a fifty-year-old with an already very rich existence, as Véronique Riff and Stéphanie Pinon, who have succeeded one another at its head, tell us about it.

For its tenth anniversary, Nordic walking innovates in Toucy

For its tenth anniversary, the Nordic walking section of US Toucy is creating a new event. The Rondes de Toucy will take place on Sunday, November 17. We explain what it is all about.




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