Soleil et pin, a beer brewed in Mérignac specially for Garorock, which smells of Aquitaine

Soleil et pin, a beer brewed in Mérignac specially for Garorock, which smells of Aquitaine
Soleil et pin, a beer brewed in Mérignac specially for Garorock, which smells of Aquitaine


Ludovic Robet

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

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It is to be enjoyed (in moderation) on the Garorockand also a little bit at Effet Papillon, it’s a IPA beer with a good South-West taste and the Landes of Gascony: Sun and Pine, an entire program. Le Républicain Lot-et-Garonne tested it for you and we recommend it.

Jocelyn Chazel, co-founder with his partner Mathildefrom the brewery Butterfly Effectlocated in Mérignac, tells us the story of this ephemeral creation, which gives his company exceptional visibility that he enjoys.

Special order from Royal Swinckel for Garorock

“We were contacted by the brasserie international De Molen, with whom we share a distributor, explains the co-manager of Effect Papillon. They wanted to create a local pop-up beer for the Garorock festival. » The De Molen brewery is part of the Royal Swinckel company, which distributes numerous brands and is Garorock’s partner.

The two companies met around a table, with the sales and marketing departments, and they outlined the outlines of a beer that would meet their objectives.

“We agreed on une White IPAwith a very slight resinous taste, explains Jocelyn. The IPA is now known and appreciated by the general public. It was important to offer it to festival-goers. We added our little extra thingthrough a spruce shoot infusion. »

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Settings and brewing

After various adjustments, Soleil et Pin was put into production, with a safety margin. “We had to be able to have the beer validated by De Molen, that was quite natural, and have enough time to remake it if they had not validated it. We did not need to remake it.”

2,000 liters were ordered for Garorock. 4,000 pints only, so don’t waste any time in checking it out, otherwise you’ll have to go in Mérignac, at the brasserie bar. The rest in fact left Hollande at De Molen and in some establishments in Gironde.

Effet Papillon offers a wide range of beer, “which is not limited to the blond, white, amber trio” and ephemeral beers, depending on the season and events. The beers are aged in barrels.

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