“An escalation of incidents”: a bullet hole discovered at Perpignan prison

“An escalation of incidents”: a bullet hole discovered at Perpignan prison
“An escalation of incidents”: a bullet hole discovered at Perpignan prison


Thibaut Calatayud

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 10:58 a.m.

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Tense climate in Perpignan penitentiary center. For the past ten days, officers have been reporting a series of incidents inside and outside the prison. The latest? The discovery of a bullet holeshot from outside the establishment.

“A shot that was surely premeditated”

In a press release issued this Thursday, June 27, 2024, UFAP UNSa Justice explains that a bullet impact from a firearm was found on a glass roof of the workshops. “This shot came from outside and was surely premeditated,” warns the union.

What purpose ? What if staff had been present during a fire patrol (the first night service patrol, editor’s note)?

UFAP UNSa Justice

This worrying act follows a series of incidents within the prison walls. In the space of ten days, the officers were confronted with the death of a prisoner by hanging, two other suicide attempts and the lighting of Bengal lights generating a risk of fire and significant noise pollution at the foot of the prison walls.

Excrement throwing and arson

That’s not all. On Monday, June 24, an ultra-violent prisoner from the disciplinary wing threw away his excrement on the staff who came to bring him coffee. A premeditated filthy act according to the union: “He had prepared his “shit” (sic) in a meal tray.”

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On Wednesday June 26, a 30-year-old prisoner intentionally set fire to his cell and was seriously poisoned by the fumes. Four other detainees were bothered by the fumes, but their state of health did not cause concern.

The “4-star shambles” will soon be full

Faced with this series of incidents, the union is once again sounding the alarm on the prison overcrowding. “The men’s remand center with an occupancy rate of 251 % and the women’s remand center with a rate of 229 % reach the limits of reasonableness. Only nine places left on the ground, then the 4-star chaos will be complete! », quips the UFAP UNSa Justice.

Another problem highlighted by the union: the lack of staff. Thirty of them have not been replaced. “The dignity of working conditions is not respected! The staff are exhausted, are accumulating overtime and feel abandoned,” regrets the union organization.

She demands decluttering of the men’s and women’s remand center “before an irreparable tragedy occurs”.

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