Let’s Talk Territories: Saint-Denis – Public service news

Let’s Talk Territories: Saint-Denis – Public service news
Let’s Talk Territories: Saint-Denis – Public service news

“Parlons Territoires” aims to decipher, through interviews with local elected officials and territorial executives, how an administration works to serve a political project. For this edition, we go to Saint-Denis, a city in the spotlight as the Olympic and Paralympic Games (OPJ) approach.

Since 2020, the new mayor Mathieu Hanotin has been leading the project to profoundly transform this city, soon to be the second in Île-de-France, emblematic of the suburbs. A strong transformation, with the hosting of the JOP in the background, to become a balanced and united city, with a large-scale urban project. Find our discussions with Mathieu Hanotin, mayor of Saint-Denis and president of Plaine Commune, Anne Sophie Dournes, DGS of the city of Saint-Denis, and Frédéric Jalier, DGA Pilotage des Ressources of the city of Saint-Denis.

Political project

What are the objectives of an ambitious but very pragmatic project?
Interview with Mathieu Hanotin, Mayor of Saint-Denis & President of Plaine Commune


What is the impact of the JOP on the mandate and administration? And how to manage them?
Interview with Anne Sophie Dournes, DGS of the City of Saint-Denis.

Women and men in action

How can we support, in terms of resources, the achievement of municipal commitments?
Interview with Frédéric Jalier, Deputy Director General for Resource Management in Saint-Denis.



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