“I feel like I’m dying…”

“I feel like I’m dying…”
“I feel like I’m dying…”

Ua passage to the afterlife in her image, all in gentleness and discretion… This is how the last days of Françoise Hardy are described this week in Paris Matchwhich looks in detail at the end of the life of the icon of French song, who died on June 11.

Weakened by lymphoma and pharyngeal cancer, she had gradually become a shadow of herself: after losing twenty kilos in recent months, she could no longer walk alone and used a wheelchair to attend medical appointments. A medical bed had even been installed at her home in recent days.

On Wednesday, June 5, she felt her strength abandoning her little by little: “I’m very, very bad, I feel like I’m dying,” she responded to emails from friends who regularly checked in for news.

READ ALSO Death of Françoise Hardy: from yé-yés to pop, a lifetime of melodies

The next day, she headed to the American hospital in Neuilly, “which she hated,” she said. Paris Matchwhere she underwent more than fifty x-rays and chemotherapy treatments. An ordeal that she described in detail in the media, to call for a law on euthanasia. Around her, her relatives and friends: her niece Claire Dutronc and her former press attaché Marc Maréchal, who will never leave her side. Her son Thomas comes to join her at the weekend, even if she asks him not to change his schedule or his planned concerts.

As for Jacques Dutronc, he came to see her a week later. […] Read more



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