The Brouillarta of June 28 are served!

The Brouillarta of June 28 are served!
The Brouillarta of June 28 are served!

Big clash at the Biarritz city council

Between Corine Martineau and Maider Arosteguy, with the mayor’s partner, George-Philip Chartier, at the center of the conflict. The first recalled the virile passage (pumped on a vulgar expression dear to Jacques Chirac) during an interview given in 2020 to “Sud-Ouest” about the BO… The mayor felt insulted, considering her family as a “private” domain. She left the room, followed by several elected officials from her majority, refusing to hear more while on Facebook, George-Philip Chartier insulted Corine Martineau. An equally heated debate ensued on the place of the spouse of an elected official. Are the First Lady or the First Gentleman public figures? Answer in a future interview…

The voice of Louis Bodin

The opponent of the mayor of Biarritz, Jean-Baptiste Dussaussois-Larralde questioned Maider Arosteguy on the continued absence of Louis Bodin since his election in 2020 at municipal council meetings, pointing out a tendency to be absent for Biarritz issues on which he questioned him. : “Mr Bodin works remotely” assured Maider Arosteguy “If you miss his voice, listen to him: he is on RTL and TF1 every day”. Obviously, not everyone is on the same wavelength…

Meeting Savings

If there are fewer municipal councils in Biarritz, it is as a cost-saving measure, explained Maider Arosteguy, questioned on the fact that the meetings of elected officials are rare and therefore very busy. “Are you going to limit yourself to the four mandatory annual meetings?” “We will have six but the live broadcast has a cost, hence fewer meetings than before.”

No grudges

Guillaume Barucq, the opposition councillor of Biarritz, shows his support for the LR candidate Emmanuelle Brisson for these legislative elections. When she asked him, he said yes, no doubt in memory of the “good old days” of the last municipal elections when he had placed the young woman in an eligible position on the list of ecologists of various colours that he led under the New Wave label. We remember, she had finally decided to leave the team before the second round, scalded by the merger with the left-wing abertzale and green list. Guillaume Barucq does not hold a grudge, to say the least.

To live happy, live hidden

It will have been complicated to speak with the candidate of the LR alliance (Éric Ciotti version) / RN in the 6th constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Victor Lastécouères. To be honest, we didn’t succeed. An initial telephone contact resulted in the promise of a call back a few days later, when he came to the field for a meeting. The opportunity to talk about his journey and his personal expectations for the legislative elections. No effect, perhaps a simple oversight. A message left on his answering machine, for a second chance, will not have been more successful. On France Bleu, Monday June 24, the young candidate did not seem so shy when delivering the speech of his leader, Jordan Bardella.

The RN spared

In a press release this week, the Les Républicains candidate in the 4th constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Beñat Cachenaut, warns against “extremes of all sides”. But above all one, obviously. Because the text carefully attacks the candidacy of the socialist and outgoing Iñaki Echaniz. Beñat Cachenaut sees in the new Popular Front “nothing other than an alliance of the most outrageous lefts”. The LR candidate portrays himself as a candidate for recourse against the “extreme left”. And against the extreme right? Without reading it as a form of extreme anointing for far-right competition, it is clear that the press release does not mention the National Rally.

Two or three

Whatever the outcome of Sunday’s vote, there will only be two, or three, qualified for the second round. The expected massive participation should favor the triangulars. There will therefore be, between the two rounds, debates for two or three people organized by “Sud Ouest” and France Bleu Pays basque in the middle of the week for the 4th, 5th, and 6th constituencies. To be continued…



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