Air transport, another hot issue on the table of El Malick Ndiaye

Air transport, another hot issue on the table of El Malick Ndiaye
Air transport, another hot issue on the table of El Malick Ndiaye

The general secretaries of the inter-union of civil aviation workers of Senegal met on Wednesday June 26, 2024 to discuss emergencies in the sector, arrears in air security compensation (ISA), and the situation of threatened agents of expulsion from Cité Batterie.

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Five main points were on the agenda: the lack of response from the authorities to the emergencies in the sector, the arrears of the air safety allowance (ISA) of Asecna workers, the preparation of the terms of reference (TDR) of the sectoral seminar, the situation of the agents threatened with expulsion from the Cité Batterie, and the problem of the Anacim headquarters.

Cheikh Wade, president of the inter-union, and his comrades are very unhappy with the supervision. Despite numerous attempts to contact by telephone and in writing, which have gone unanswered or with terse responses, Asecna workers are still waiting for five months of arrears in payments from the ISA. In addition, certain agents housed at Cité Batterie have received summons and must leave their residences at the end of July, reports L’ombre de la rue.

Faced with what they consider to be a lack of consideration on the part of the supervisory authorities, the inter-union association, which brings together 12 organizations, is threatening to soon take appropriate union action. According to these trade unionists, the working conditions and performance of air transport workers cannot be neglected.

The inter-union is waiting for the end of the meeting scheduled for the end of the week with the Minister of Infrastructure and Land and Air Transport, El Malick Ndiaye, to communicate on the union agenda unanimously agreed. They affirm that they are more determined than ever and resolutely committed to obtaining the full satisfaction of the workers’ main demands.

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