The Abbeville Kiwanis Club celebrated its 40th anniversary

The Abbeville Kiwanis Club celebrated its 40th anniversary
The Abbeville Kiwanis Club celebrated its 40th anniversary


Yann Defacque

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 10:49 a.m.

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The service club Kiwanis Abbeville, with 25 members including three women, recently organized its evening event at La Drucatière for its 40 years of existence.

Honorary diplomas to founding members

In the presence of the mayor ofAbbeville Pascal Demarthe and Denis Bleuse representing the Kiwanis District France Monaco, a special 40th anniversary badge and an honorary “Award” diploma were presented to the founding members: Claude Leschaeve, Michel Trencart, Patrice Duponchelle, Jacques Richir and to Guy Mehay president founder.

The latter spoke of the origins of the creation of the club and the presentation of the charter in 1983. Other Kiwanians were rewarded for their 30 years of presence such as Jean-Michel Dolle, secretary of the club and Marc Robert.

Their motto: serving the children of the world

President Jack Deruche for his part recalled the numerous social actions carried out towards childhood according to the Kiwanis motto “Serve the children of the world” and its partnership of more than 30 years with the Ludothèque Prélude and the children of the CAMSP of the hospital of Abbeville.

Partner of the Youth Tour de France

Jack Deruche cited the club’s highlights during the Abbeville floods in 2001, the spectacular entertainment with a 50-meter crane for bungee jumping baptisms near the town hall, the two performances by the Republican Guard including the last under the presidency of Philippe Duponchel, the important role of the club for the Tour de France des Jeunes d’Abbeville, the modification in 2023 of the status of the club into a mixed club and finally the action carried out at the end of 2023 with the 22 municipalities of the Abbeville Baie de Somme Agglomeration Community for the Christmas Hyacinths operation as part of the establishment of the digital cordon within the hospital.

Video system for parents of premature children in hospital

A secure internet video system to allow families to monitor their premature babies. It is already used in the Bordeaux and Metz University Hospitals.

Videos: currently on News

This major social action in partnership with the Kiwanis France Entraide Foundation and a financial partner will culminate in June 2024 at the Abbeville hospital center, Neonatology department.

The club will be proud to display the 40th anniversary badge on its banner. The mayor of Abbeville thanked the Kiwanis of Abbeville for its dynamism and all its social actions towards Abbeville children.

A photo of the members and staff of the France Monaco District taken in the park of the Château de Drucat immortalized this event.

An appointment has been made for the club’s 50th anniversary in 2033/2034.

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